GeForce GTX 770 VS Radeon R9 290


Oct 19, 2014
MSI AMD Radeon R9 290 Gaming 4G TwinFrozr 4GB
Asus GeForce GTX 770 Direct CUII OC 2GB

which one is better?
in general betwin 770 & 290 , which one is better

I almost play at 1080x1920 singel.
The 770 is cooler, quieter, and needs less power to run, all at about equal performance at 1080p. Not withstanding amd's recent attempts to solve driver issues, nvidia seems to still have the lead in better drivers, and still has better compatibility with Microsoft directX's api over that of AMD.

All in all, the gtx 770 is the better all-around card, for 1080p, even if the r9 290 will beat it in a few benchmark tests, and has better capability with more ram for higher resolutions or multiple monitor setups.
well although i'm a nvidia guy the 290 is better, marginally, but better nontheless, also the 4gb vram will help you in games that need dumbs ammounts of resources *cough* assassin's creed unity *cough*, and since is an MSI is gonna be 'quiet' and you'll get a good costumer support backing you up
The 770 is cooler, quieter, and needs less power to run, all at about equal performance at 1080p. Not withstanding amd's recent attempts to solve driver issues, nvidia seems to still have the lead in better drivers, and still has better compatibility with Microsoft directX's api over that of AMD.

All in all, the gtx 770 is the better all-around card, for 1080p, even if the r9 290 will beat it in a few benchmark tests, and has better capability with more ram for higher resolutions or multiple monitor setups.
The size of the tv doesn't matter, only the resolution. 1080p on a 24" is the same amount of pixels as 1080p on a 40". The difference between them is the distance you get to sit back from the tv, and the fact that on a 40" the tiniest details are larger and more visible, vrs a smaller screen.

You'll be good on a 40, no worries.