News GeForce RTX 40-Series Flagship GPU May Hit 800W Power Limit

"However, one must remember that power limits don't equate to mainstream TDPs."
Yes, the actual product usually pulls more than the specified TDP.
RTX 3080 has a specified TDP of 320w, but a crap ton of models have 400w or more total board power limit. Plus, for very brief periods power use can spike higher than the BPL.

800w BPL, if it turns out to be real: ~dang...
I seriously think Nvidia is out of their mind to release a retail class GPU @ 800W power limit. Power consumption aside, it will dump a lot of heat into the atmosphere and raise temps really quickly in any room. When you consider the power limit of the RTX 3090 at launch, this is more than double. Nvidia must be really desperate to fend off competition that they forgot they are making graphic card and not a bread toaster.
When you consider the power limit of the RTX 3090 at launch, this is more than double.
We'll see when the stuff actually becomes available. Maybe a good chunk of the power increases is simply due to AMD and Nvidia weighing their power calculations toward transient peak power so people don't run into as many issues with PSUs that should be large enough to handle a given GPU but cannot because short-lived transients trip protections.
Time to bring out PSUs with 2x HPWR cables.
That might be necessary to make sure that you're not constantly overloading the cables or maxing out the Maximum wattage of the cables.

Wouldn't want your 12V HWPR cables to melt by constantly running them near the edge of their 600 watt per cable upper end specs.

We'll see when the stuff actually becomes available. Maybe a good chunk of the power increases is simply due to AMD and Nvidia weighing their power calculations toward transient peak power so people don't run into as many issues with PSUs that should be large enough to handle a given GPU but cannot because short-lived transients trip protections.
Isn't the newly minted ATX 3.0 PSU spec designed to address the high transient power spikes?
Not a big defender of the nVidia 12-pin power connector, but in the USA a 20-AMP 12AWG 'appliance' circuit can handle 16-amps/1920 watts on a 120V system.

On a totally related corollary on History, Tim Allen has released MORE POWER ...
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Good or bad ? Essentially depends of who’s paying the electricity bill
It also depends on who's going to be sitting next to it. Higher power limit means more waste heat, which means more noise and more sweat as your room turns into a sauna.

I'm not looking forward to this trend of ever increasing power limits. My RTX 3080 is already hot enough to make me not want to play games in summer. At 800W, I might need to game in winter with the window open.
How is it even possible to shed 800W of energy with a heatsink? I don't care how big they make that heatsink it doesn't sound possible. I remember the 400 series were cooking eggs at just 400W... i don't see how you can even move that much heat out of a case easily. nvidia is just out of their fing minds. what is this? overclock to improve performance method of iteration?
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This might just require dedicated circuit like HVAC and electric stove do around some places, but since when has a little code violation stopped anyone?

Right now a fully-overclocked desktop 3090 Ti is just about twice as fast as the fastest mobile 3080 Ti, for a bit more than twice the power. What would 4x the power do?

How is it even possible to shed 800W of energy with a heatsink? I don't care how big they make that heatsink it doesn't sound possible. I remember the 400 series were cooking eggs at just 400W... i don't see how you can even move that much heat out of a case easily. nvidia is just out of their fing minds. what is this? overclock to improve performance method of iteration?

Plenty of 2U servers air-cooled things like 4x A100 each with a similar power profile just fine. Probably not gonna be quiet, though. EDIT: Turns out a single A100 is "just" 250W-400W depending on format. Yeah, that thing's gonna need water cooling and probably a hefty radiator, or several.

Not like they aren't doing the same with next-generation CPU either. It feels like Pentium 4 all over again, somewhat.
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For 800W and multiple thousands of dollars, this thing better shred at 4k Raytracing.
The only thing it's gonna SHRED is your wallet, cuz it's gonna be a repeat of the 30 series launch, these companies are already thinking/planning were gonna stick to them AGAIN and make crap loads of money, and the scalpers will double and tripe it, so good luck for the idiots that fall into this trap and company tactics.
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The only it's gonna SHRED is your wallet, cuz it's gonna be a repeat of the 30 series launch, these companies are already thinking/planning were gonna stick to them AGAIN and make crap loads of money, and the scalpers will double and tripe it, so good luck for the idiots that fall into this trap and company tactics.
Unless there is a massive crypto rebound to make crypto-miners willing to massively overpay for every next-gen GPU they can get their hands on, scalpers won't be able to sell anywhere near as many of their overpriced next-gen GPUs at even more overpriced scalper prices as they did the last time around. They are more likely to end up in a situation similar to retailers right now who overpaid for GPUs from suppliers and have to request rebates from manufacturers because they are making losses on sales at current market prices.

Scalpers can only ask scalper prices when they are the only sellers who actually have stock. Without crypto-miners continuously hogging nearly every GPU before they ever get to retailers for over a year after launch, it won't take long before there are more GPUs on the market than scalpers can afford to buy and take a loss on.
We'll see when the stuff actually becomes available. Maybe a good chunk of the power increases is simply due to AMD and Nvidia weighing their power calculations toward transient peak power so people don't run into as many issues with PSUs that should be large enough to handle a given GPU but cannot because short-lived transients trip protections.
I hope they're overestimating too. They did get a bit of a black eye with these transient spikes tripping OCP on many really good PSUs. This affected both NVIDIA and AMD but it hit NVIDIA harder. I don't think either mfg. is going to underestimate PLs for the foreseeable future.
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i believe in the free market. they can bring whatever idiotic thing to market they want. hell make it 1000w

the problem does not sit with them. it sits with the fact that they will still sell out so some bigger idiot can claim to have a bigger e-peen than you do. i can assure everyone right now, that i WILL NOT entertain a single thread on this forum asking "how the heck do i cool my 400w cpu + 800w gpu??" and the obvious "what 2000w psu do i need to run this??"

not too mention the massively high premium nvidia is gonna charge for this thing. screw the scalpers, i bet it is no less than $2k msrp.

so frankly, i watch this as i do any circus or oddity show. the real loser is the one who will pay the thousands to be a part of it while i get to watch the insanity for free.
800W is definitely stupid, but it feels more like the top part wil be AD103, and AD102 serving as an AD103-SLI of sorts (like the old Radeon HD 7990 or the Geforce GTX 690). It only serves to claim the performance crown with some mutant-sized GPU that only very few will have.
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New PC System Requirement: Dedicated 20 amp 240V outlet on it's own circuit. 🤣

And if you want to game using Samsung's The Wall, you'll need your own mini-fusion reactor. 😆
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