GeForce TGX 1060 6gb Average ratings?


Dec 29, 2013
Hello, I recently purchased a new gaming PC (since bitcoin is making building my own un-affordable) with a GTX 1060. I downloaded MSI afterburner to keep an eye on it and I'm a little worried by the numbers I'm seeing. At idle my GPU temp is steady at 49c, my GPU clock speed is 974MHz and the memory clock speed is holding steady at 4006MHz. I'm using all stock settings and haven't played around with overclocking or anything. Now I am no expert but those numbers seem high to me. While playing Elite: Dangerous on Ultra the temp gets up to about 57c max, the GPU clock will hit 1750MHz or so but the Memory clock speed is always steady at 4006MHz. I'm kind of hoping someone can put my fears to rest and tell me it's normal haha. Thank you in advance for any input!
It doesn't sound like anything you need to worry about. Memory clocks (main ram or VRAM) aren't meant to change, and a card isn't going to go too much under 1GHz. Even at idle there's activity to draw and refresh the screen. As far as temps, as long as the load temp isn't very high it's OK.
Open nvidia control panel, go to mange 3d settings on the left, in the list amke sure 'power management mode' is set to 'optimal power'. This will allow the GPU's clocks to drop below base at idle. High performance mode will force base clock speeds at all times. If it is already on optimal power, is there any load on the GPU at idle?

What 1060 do you have? Most 1060's will turn off their fans when under 60c. You can make a custom fan profile in MSI afterburner if you don't like this.

It wont hurt anything, but I personally prefer to have my clocks drop at idle. Less heat and power consumption.
Memory clocks on gpus change just like all other gpu clocks. My 1060 idles down to 405. Gpu clocks are also not going down, 140 idle for me. That's a lot lower than 1ghz. What's the gpu usage? Task manager also says what process is using the gpu.

It was already set to Optimal Power. I'm pretty sure the fans are off until it hits 60c. Using the screen overlay it doesn't display fan speed until it hits about 60c. Even now just sitting at idle it's at 50c. And my GPU clock is still at 974MHz and the Memory Clock is at 4006MHz. That just seems high to me.

Task manager says CPU is at roughly 5%, Memory is at 25%, Disk is at 0% and GPU is at 0%-1%.

Yeah I currently have a triple monitor setup. One HDMI, one DVI and one Display Port > VGA.
So, it seems the problem with the high clock speeds and idle temp is because I'm running 3 monitors. As soon as I disconnect one everything instantly drops down to normal. GPU clock speed is now at 139MHz (was at 1,250MHz), Memory Clock speed is now at 405MHz (was at 4006MHz) and my GPU temp is sitting comfortably at 23c (was at about 45c). Now to figure out if that's just going to be the way it is or if it's a driver problem.

There seems to be some versions that fixes it but others on the same one still have the issue. Some people have also noticed that changing hz can fix it. It's not clear why it's happening to some and not others but it is a known driver issue that has been around a long time.

Do you have any suggestions I can try? I've also read going into the BIOS and enabling the integrated GPU solves the problem if I plug one (or both) of my secondary monitors into that and leave my main HDMI (gaming) monitor plugged into the GTX. Do you think that would be worth a try?

Okay cool. Wasn't sure if running multiple screens from lesser quality GPU's would effect anything. I'll try out that out and see what happens. Thanks for the help!!