

May 8, 2002
My neighbour called me today, said their system was borked or something. So I went over & saw that a network technician was working on it. He was installing cable broadband service on their system, however the neighbours called me over because the technican couldn't get the system to display properly.

I took a quick look at the desktop & saw that it was running at the lowest settings possible, 640x480 & at just 16 colors. This was Windows98 by the way. The technician explained to me that the system was borked, & that it really wasn't his job to make it work. He said he did try anyways & eventually gave up because the system just couldn't be fixed. He suggested a clean format & reinstall. He then left after setting up the account & making sure that the computer can access the net.

So I took over & ensured that everything was unloaded at the next reboot. And boy oh boy was there a lot that was being loaded. In total, about 30 different & completely unnecessary programs were loading up, everything you can think of, from spyware like Gator, to Dialer programs from sex sites, to basic crap like screensavers, desktop eye-candy, etc.. And on top of that, the config.sys & autoexec.bat files were also loading unnecessary things.

Once I cleared almost everything, the graphics card still would'nt display anything more than 640x480x16colors. So I went ahead & restarted in DOS mode & renamed the old Windows directory. I know I know, I should've reformatted, but they didn't have a secondary partition or drive to store backup files, & neither did I at that point, & it was also already pretty late at night, so I had no choice but to do this.

So I went ahead & installed Windows to a new directory, installed the latest NVidia drivers, installed the latest DirectX drivers & the thing worked, sorta. The colors went up to 256 (hurray), but after every 2-3 reboots, it would act up like it always did after restarting from a display adjustment. The screen would sometimes be blank, completely unresponsive to anything. It would also sometimes load alright, except that there would be a cursor at the upper-left hand corner of the screen (& I know it loads because I can hear the startup music).

I would've left it that way except for one thing, they didn't have drivers for their PCI cards, including for their network card. So internet access was impossible. It was at that point that I was extremely glad I simply renamed the old Windows directory instead of deleting it completely :).

So I apologized & left my neighbours with a working computer, with extremely fast internet access, but with a borked display.

I'm feeling kinda guilty for some reason. But anyway, what do you think could be wrong with that damn card? Overheating issues?

Thanks for any reaponses.

I'm going to get you.


Jan 13, 2003
Good story, I am always astounded at the amount of spyware programs running on some peoples computers. I worked on my sisters pc alot when I lived near her, and it was always buried in crapware. Her 14 year old son(my nephew) was hell bent on using Kazaa(not Kazaa Lite) and would download free screensavers from anyone who offered. Those screensavers have Gator imbedded in them always. I tried to explain to the young man that nothing that is offered to you on the web is really free, but I never got through to him. My sisters pc is a 400mhz Celeron with 128 megs of ram....slow already, the addition of spyware would stop it from doing any normal task. Her boot times were around 1 minute and 30 seconds:)
Dont know what to tell you about your neighbors video card really, kinda have to be there to asses problems like that:)

I <b>help</b> because <b>you</b> suck.


Jun 8, 2001
Could the techie have zapped the graphics card with static?

Can u use the card in another machine? I just know this is going to become a long and tedious exercise for u :frown:

The loving are the daring!


May 8, 2002
I don't know for sure. I asked my neighbour whether the problem was new, or whether it was always like that, & he only gave me a nod. I don't think he's very sure himself, so I don't think I'll ask him again heh :D. And I don't think I'll try the card on another system either, that'll disadvantage both of us for pretty much the whole day :).

The next time he calls me in though, I'll be prepared :). I'll get a cheap video card (maybe second hand or something), but something definitely better than that GF2MX card, & a spare & completely ready harddrive with my W98 (or WXP) installation files included. And do everything for him in under an hour. I know I shouldn't bother, but I don't think anyone should have to strain themselves on a 640x480 + 16 color display heh.

Now, I'll just have to figure out what sort of components he has, & get the right drivers accordingly. Seems he lost his old ones somehow...

Well thanks guys :D.

I'm going to get you.


Jun 8, 2001
Oh what we do for the intellectually handicapped :).
Good luck and don't get too frustrated. Think of it as a learning experience.

The loving are the daring!