News Gemini AI caught scanning Google Drive hosted PDF files without permission — user complains feature can't be disabled

Math Geek

this is not really a "just started doing it" type of thing. google has ALWAYS read anything and everything you hosted with them.

gmail, chrome, cloud storage, anything on your android phone, plus all the 3rd party data they buy and scrape as well such as health/financial records and anything else they can get their hands on.

i personally hate it 100% but i'm sure the rest of the commenters here will just say "apple/MS/facebook/twitter/etc/etc/etc all do it, so it's ok"

as if the fact everyone is spying on you somehow makes it ok ?!?!?


Aug 1, 2008
this is not really a "just started doing it" type of thing. google has ALWAYS read anything and everything you hosted with them.

gmail, chrome, cloud storage, anything on your android phone, plus all the 3rd party data they buy and scrape as well such as health/financial records and anything else they can get their hands on.

i personally hate it 100% but i'm sure the rest of the commenters here will just say "apple/MS/facebook/twitter/etc/etc/etc all do it, so it's ok"

as if the fact everyone is spying on you somehow makes it ok ?!?!?
Very few people think it's ok, but the vast majority don't really see any alternative that is truly viable for them. If you have a smart phone, you have a Google or Apple account. If you have a PC, only a small percentage of the general population are even aware that you can run Windows without a Microsoft account.

People have just been bombarded with so many privacy violations that they've grown numb to it. If they got upset and angry every time, they would end up being upset and angry all the time.

For better or worse, the human brain adapts to and normalizes almost any kind of long-term conditions, good or bad - you can't really avoid hedonic adaptation.

You win the lottery, you get really, really happy for a little while, then you get used to it, and it just becomes the new normal; if your previous financial situation was stressful and impacted your happiness negatively, you will probably be less stressed and unhappy, but you'll still end up somewhere around your neutral baseline before long.

Your privacy gets invaded and abused on a daily basis, you get seriously upset and angry. But if it keeps happening, and you see no effective way of stopping it, you won't be able to maintain that rage for any significant amount of time, and eventually, you just get used to it and accept it as normal.

Remember when Windows 10 came out, and how ridiculously angry everyone, myself included, was about the forced telemetry and forced OS updates that you not only couldn't refuse, but that would self-install and reboot your computer? I sure as hell do, and I stayed away from Windows 10 for as long as possible, and then used various tools to disable as much of that BS as I could - I didn't start actively using Windows 10 until this year, when I inherited a PC that had it installed.

And yet now, with it being set to go EOL next year, all anyone can talk about is how great Windows 10 is, and how they don't want to move to Windows 11 because it is so horrible. They've all forgotten about the incredible amount of BS Windows 10 forced on them, because, to them, it simply became the new normal.

People's values are terrifyingly malleable. Expose them to anything for long enough, and they just accept it as normal, and barely actively notice the change in day to day life, whether it's incredibly beneficial to them, or incredibly harmful. Everything gets normalized. It's a key part of how we maintain a functional existence without breaking down and going insane, but it has a lot of issues, especially when other humans decide to take advantage of it.


Nov 2, 2023
And yet now, with it being set to go EOL next year, all anyone can talk about is how great Windows 10 is, and how they don't want to move to Windows 11 because it is so horrible. They've all forgotten about the incredible amount of BS Windows 10 forced on them, because, to them, it simply became the new normal.
I'm not going around saying that Windows 10 is great. I'm just saying that it's tolerable.
Jun 12, 2024
You win the lottery, you get really, really happy for a little while, then you get used to it, and it just becomes the new normal
I think i would be really really happy for the rest of my life, CUZ every day when i woke up i would NOT hear mu native tongue CUZ i would be in a country far far away, and that is reason to be happy, even if i have realized that no matter where i relocate to, that country also have a lot of " Russia ",,,,,, Russia in my new word for bat poop crazy.
But i would be able to cope CUZ i have gone there by myself, and as a new comer i would not be very much engaged with my new country as it would take a while to really take in things, and i do not expect to live for a whole lot longer.
Also just CUZ i moved to a new place, its not like i would get a phone and a TV again, i am way past those addictions.

I HATE government involvement as it is rarely any good, but i would like for my country to ban ALL google services,,,, and other like them of course.
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Feb 12, 2007
I think that an AI that knows everything is an AI that knows too much. To know everything means it has scanned data it shouldn't. His files are, from now on, an integral part of Gemini's training data.
Jul 15, 2024
Read the docs. Gemini provides a person based LLM for every user. Using the users security scope. It will not be a part of the generic model.

The security setting can be fine tuned in the Workspace Admin settings when signed in as an Admin.

Google really thought of these use cases. Rather than office 360 which is just Word 6.0 partly running on Microsoft's hardware and syncing your documents into their one drive without your consent.
Jul 15, 2024
During covid I had a pdf on my gdrive that gave general health tips if you contracted covid and are stuck at home. It was the basics, hydrate, rest, otc meds... There were three clinical studies in the back from respected institutions on the effectiveness of alternative medications. Pure clinical data. Google deleted it and chastised me for violation of terms of use.
I no longer have anything to do with Google.


And that's why we don't save sensitive data in clouds. Any clouds, unless you host it yourself... and yet, even corporations and governments use cloud services such as Amazon, Google, OneDrive, etc...

During covid I had a pdf on my gdrive that gave general health tips if you contracted covid and are stuck at home. It was the basics, hydrate, rest, otc meds... There were three clinical studies in the back from respected institutions on the effectiveness of alternative medications. Pure clinical data. Google deleted it and chastised me for violation of terms of use.
I no longer have anything to do with Google.
What the heck? That's... really not cool. Should never happen. First, they have to scan the document to know what is in it for them to delete it. Second, what TOS breach, even? Sounds extremely nonsensical to me...


Jan 2, 2023
No need to store anything with Google to have it read by Google.
If you run Chrome and use the advanced spell checker rather than the abysmal normal one, what you write or edit in Chrome takes a trip to the internet.

And the same goes for using the automatic translate function in Chrome, only then it is all the text of websites you have translated rather than "only" what you edit.

The same issue is also there in Edge, only not sure who runs the servers that see that data.
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Nov 2, 2023
During covid I had a pdf on my gdrive that gave general health tips if you contracted covid and are stuck at home. It was the basics, hydrate, rest, otc meds... There were three clinical studies in the back from respected institutions on the effectiveness of alternative medications. Pure clinical data. Google deleted it and chastised me for violation of terms of use.
I no longer have anything to do with Google.

What the heck? That's... really not cool. Should never happen. First, they have to scan the document to know what is in it for them to delete it. Second, what TOS breach, even? Sounds extremely nonsensical to me...
Did you have complete copies of these papers? They presumably saw this as a copyright violation, though of course they'd have no way of knowing whether you had a right to maintain copies.

Were these available for others to read through a publicly accessible link (or even just a share link)? If you'd posted this link anywhere then Google's general webs scrapping bot could have followed it, saw the copyright violation that they were hosting, and deleted it for that reason.

Steve Nord_

Nov 7, 2022
Hey, remember to tell Gemini what you thought was new news about the return and that it was for a similar person but kthxbi.
Jul 23, 2024
Aside from a common answer to any questions from the entity who developed the system being "maybe" try this or "it could be because of that" while disclosing none of the workings of their products to the people using them being unethical and plum disrespectful.... So is the compounding and overarching issue of reporting on such instances as if it's seemingly acceptable. It's not acceptable, and as long as these articles we are reading are written as if by Google stating absurd instances as if perfectly ok we can at least still gauge how long the snake actually is. If I made you a sandwich at subway.... And you asked me why it tastes like mustard.... Your gonna snap when I say something like hm I'm not sure perhaps if you eat further away from the mayonnaise the flavor will change? I haven't a clue what went into putting that foot long together to elaborate further I'm sorry. Same goes for the commercial that tells the story as if that was normal like they aren't a cog in the same machine