General questions about my computer


Dec 13, 2016
I recently bought a Dell Optiplex 9010. Its an i5 3rd generation with 8 gb running windows 7. Will it support 1080? If I install a graphics card, can it play games like gta 5? Is there a way I can upgrade to Windows 10 free or cheaply? Do I need to do anything when I first get it (scan for viruses)? THANK YOU!!!
Here is the specs of your PC,

To put it short, you can't have GTX 1080 in there.

And reason why:
Even though you have one free PCI-E x16 slot where to put a dedicated GPU, your PSU isn't powerful enough to support GTX 1080. GTX 1080 needs at least 500W PSU while your PSU is only 275W (look page 21).
Also you're limited with GPU size. Maximum size of supported GPU (H x L) is 4.376 x 6.6 inches (or 111.15 x 167.65 mm). Meaning that the case only fits small from factor GPU (look page 19).
As far as GTX 1080 goes, there doesn't exist no small from factor GTX 1080. The best small from factor GPU you're looking at would be GTX 1070. For GTX...
If you are going to get a GTX 1080, then you had best be wanting to game at super high end 1440p or 4k otherwise you are completely wasting your money. If you are gaming at 1080p then you only really need a GTX 1060 or possibly a 1070. But your i5 should have no problems with any of those video cards.
Here is the specs of your PC,

To put it short, you can't have GTX 1080 in there.

And reason why:
Even though you have one free PCI-E x16 slot where to put a dedicated GPU, your PSU isn't powerful enough to support GTX 1080. GTX 1080 needs at least 500W PSU while your PSU is only 275W (look page 21).
Also you're limited with GPU size. Maximum size of supported GPU (H x L) is 4.376 x 6.6 inches (or 111.15 x 167.65 mm). Meaning that the case only fits small from factor GPU (look page 19).
As far as GTX 1080 goes, there doesn't exist no small from factor GTX 1080. The best small from factor GPU you're looking at would be GTX 1070. For GTX 1070, you also need a PSU that is at least 500W.

Like this one: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($62.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $62.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-12-18 00:12 EST-0500

With your current PSU, the best GPU you're looking at would be GTX 1050 Ti and small from factor version (max length 6.6 inches/ 167.65 mm).