general ram question


Jun 10, 2015
Ok so I have 1 x 8GB 1600 and 2 x 4gb 1333, so 16gb ram altogether. the mobo I have from a prebuilt im using GA-h81m only has 2 ram slots. my question is am I better off using the 8gb card being as its 1600, or is there any harm in making use of 1 of my 4gb 1333 cards in my 2nd spare ram card slot on my mobo to make 12gb?
Get 8x8gb or 2x4gb ram to take advantage of dual channel speeds

In my opinion, since you have 2x4gb already, you wouldn't need your 8gb stick anymore. Set it up as 2x4gb to be able to use dual channel speeds

But if you only use 1 stick of 8gb ram with the other 4gb stick, it will only get single channel speeds due to not being equal sized ram
Dont mix ram. It will go with the slowest clock speed. Also, what are you needing the extra rams for? 8gb should be sufficient. I would sell the 2x4 ram and keep the money to upgrade to something else you need.
If your board supports intel FLEX tech it will run the 4gb of each as dual channel and the other 4gb seperately.

Although RAM doesnt play nice often. And as stated more than likely it will need downclocking to match the slowest.
The performance difference is negligible.. if you want to upgrade later with another 1x8 go with 1x8 and buy identical 1x8 later.. I am not sure what you are using your computer for so both option will work, but do not mix them.