generic sid for cloning machines?


May 4, 2001
anyone know the best way to install 2k and apps on 30 machines? they will all be connected to a network. i have heard about a "generic" sid so that you can install everything and when you reboot, you can enter your specific info after. making sense?

....the birds seemed to be calling him, thought caw....
Dangit, I kind of know what you're talking about, because there's this one file that you can put or something, where it'll leave your network information blank to enter in on each machine, so it's not the same. Err...I don't remember what it's officially called, though. 😱

Anyways, this is all I can do:
<A HREF=";en-us;Q300483" target="_new">HOW TO: Use Remote Installation Service to Install Windows 2000 Professional on Remote Computers (Q300483)</A>

I hope I stumble on it, though.


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ok... i figured it out so i figured id share. very simple. you run the sysprep utility that you can get from the ms site after you have one system set up exactly the way you want it. the sysprep utility wipes out the sid and any "unique" settings on that machine. then you do the image with something like disk image or whatever it is. then when you boot the new machine there is a short setup and you are all set.

....the birds seemed to be calling him, thought caw....
<b>Sysprep!</b> That's what it was!!! Man, you're awesome!!! Great job...

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