Get 980 or wait for the 980 ti

Pontus H

Feb 26, 2015
Do you guys think waiting for nvidia to release the 980 ti would be worth it, or should I just get a regular 980? I'm currently using a four year old 560, so I'm craving for an upgrade.
hey buddy,

i bought a gtx980 14 days ago.
I can guarentee you here and now, that you will never think "damn, should have gotten a gtx980Ti".
I'm not a carman but i guess it would be like driving a ferrari on a racecircuit. You won't think halfway through a hairpin "well that's it, i should have picked up a lamborgini".

Get either a 960, 970, 980.

I saw the 960 max out dying light, but then again it is optimized for Nvidia after all.

You cannot max out Dying Light with 2GB Vram.
The 980 Ti may not even be released before next year. Awful long potential wait. And who knows what price point it will be released at.

Obviously you didnt read the comment's, Dying Lignt has problem running on AMD hardware-based systems. The video has a AMD CPU and a 770, different than a 960. Your argument is invalid. The power of the GPU and it's CPU partner are the key factors in game play.

It has everything to do on the processor, I maxed out Tomb Raider on a 2GB r7 260x and ran just fine. Intel CPUs with same card doesnt even lag. Just accept that fact.

videos with Intel based systems dont lag.

To OP, the ti might give you a couple extra frames, but it aint worth it, just go 980 and enjoy :)

Im talking about the videos with people playing Dying Light with a 770, or a 780, or a 960, etc. They do not lag(770 kinda does), like the video you showed me. "It is like I am talking to a wall" aswell.

I say again, People playing with the FX chips experience terrible stuttering on their systems, whereas people playing with a Intel system and a GTX 770 will experience some stuttering.

Not as bad as AMD systems who get roughly 35 frames AVG. This one smoother gameplay still choppy, but a 960 showed better results.

And sorry for that statement I typed that on my tablet.

As well, the PC port is kinda poorly optimized that is why AMD hardware based PC's are having trouble and Intel Based systems seem to have it easier.

Also Cards that are strong but with 2GB VRAM will still experience smooth gameplay. It's not like you cannot play games with 2GB cards.
hey buddy,

i bought a gtx980 14 days ago.
I can guarentee you here and now, that you will never think "damn, should have gotten a gtx980Ti".
I'm not a carman but i guess it would be like driving a ferrari on a racecircuit. You won't think halfway through a hairpin "well that's it, i should have picked up a lamborgini".


I am a car man and anyone who is interested in taking an exotic around a track is not going to pick a Lamborghini over a Ferrari. A Ferrari is a rich mans' track car while the Lambos are rich mans' exotic, flamboyant/beastly car, ha. Although, I will say Lamborghinis have been getting better with their track performance over these more recent models, like the Hurcan.

/thread hijack over ;-)

Lol, you straightened me out.
Maybe i should have made the comparison between a peugeoat and a renault. Nobody would have cared about that comparison 🙂
if the op want a 4K setup ...he have to wait the new gtx 980 ti to be release

if he do not care about 4K setup...just go for gtx 980 or gtx 970 SLI

the new R9 390X will have only 4Gb vram ...too bad , but some people said it will be more performer ...enough to build a 4K setup ???? we will see

On that 390x Its not just any kind of Ram, its a much faster Ram than gddr5! I forget whats its called, but its not gddr5, its a much more faster/ larger bandwidth Ram.

Lol, no straightening out intended! I just saw an opportunity to talk about cars on here and I jumped at it! Ha ;-)