Get constant BSOD. Memtest passes. OCCT fails less than 30 seconds into test every time.


May 1, 2011
Thanks in advance for any help.. =)

Started getting a lot of BSOD's yesterday. Every one is different. And im lucky if I can go 10 min before I get one.

I ran memtest86 a couple of times. First did about 3 passes with zero errors. Second was 1 pass with zero errors.

Next I tried OCCT. It errors out after 10 to 30 seconds. Sometimes it says "Error detected on Core #0" or Core #1.. ive seen different Core's error. Sometimes it just says "Error detected" and nothing else. I was unable to find a good guide on how OCCT works, or what I need to look for.

Just ran Intel's Processor Diagnostic Tool. It passed.

I haven't added any new H/W or S/W in the last month+.

I did a fresh install of Win 7 64bit and still getting constant BSOD's. Flashed the latest BIOS firmware.

i7 920 @2.67 Ghz
12Gb or RAM
ASUS P6X58D-E Motherboard
AMD Radeon HD 5870

Please let me know if there are any other tests or info that would help troubleshoot this.. thanks.
Most irratic problems point to PS's. Have you used HWMonitor to check voltages and temps of CPU, GPU and HD's. If you or a friend have an old PS, plug it in ( this can be done without removing your current supply, just unplug wires ) and check to see if you are stable on the desktop. Doesn't have to be more than 350 watts. Ultimately there are cheapish PS testers that are nice to own on Amazon for very cheap.

Running HWMonitor right now.. Everything looks good to me. All voltages are within .1v of what they should be. All CPU temps look good, around 40c.

I live in Japan, but I can see if our local computer store has any good affordable PS testers..
Decided to run memtest again since I was going to be out of the house most of the day. Figured It wouldn't hurt to run it again.. I got one error buy the second pass..

Error confidence value: 227
Lowest error address : 001b0033788 - 6912.1MB
Highest error address : 001b0033788 - 6912.1MB
Bits in error mask : 00ff0000
Bits in error - total: 8 Min : 8 Max: 8 Avg: 8
Max contiguous errors : 1

I'm going to let it finish this last pass and then start pulling RAM and seeing if that fixes it.