GRRRRRRRRRRRRR windows 2k has been nothing but one problem after another. My joystick drivers wont work on it, looks like im stuck with a $100 stick. About $200 worth of games wont work on it. I had to spend a bunch of time to find out how to get on the net beacause i had MSN for win98 and that program wouldnt run on 2k. Now other games crash too much, mech warrior 4, sim city 3000, and others crash too much. I have everything fully updated, bios, windose it self and all the games. Now i want to get this damn OS off and put back windows 98. I tried to run the regular setup program for win98 on win 2k. It told me win 2k couldnt run that program. So i just to setup it up in Dos mode. I was at the command prompt and got to the D: which is my CD rom drive. Typed setup and it started to run, but then it gave me a funny error. It said W98setup caused a General Protection Fault in module User.ExE at 0001:679a. I was just wondering how i could just get windows 2k off and have win98 on only. I was going to do a dual boot, but i would have to re partition my drive and format it. I cant do that because i have many important files and i have to way to back them all up. What can i do?????
Thanks, mech warrior
Thanks, mech warrior