News Get Ready to Pony up $129 for Apple's Braided Thunderbolt 3 Cable

Apple's braided Thunderbolt 3 cable is expensive but packs a lot of functionality.

Get Ready to Pony up $129 for Apple's Braided Thunderbolt 3 Cable : Read more
You can get an active 2 meter TB3 cable from Amazon for half that price. Unless there is some reason you have to get an Apple branded cable because they aren't adhering to the standard, I don't see a problem with this. If you choose to be ripped off, when there are cheaper options available, that's on you. When Apple charges absurd prices for propriety parts just because they can and you have no other options, that's when they deserve the middle finger.
ROTFL Well,If you can get by with only 3.93 feet of braided cable,you can get THAT on Amazon doing everything Apple is bragging about doing for under $27.00. $100.00 for 2 & 1/2 feet and a NAME? No thank you.