Get rid of generic pnp monitor


Jan 1, 2012
how do i remove the generic pnp monitor in and install a gateway fpd1530 monitor drivers? nothing else is there win7 or window xp same problem
Why, is there a problem?

after installing win 7 and then xp now.. i had multiple problems and only one left now sound

for audio
I have a unimodem half-duplex audio device that says code 28..drivers are not install when i try to they wont

when I to down load realtek my system crashes then reboots and keeps trying but always crashes before finishing the install

do you want to see my speccy page system specs?

ty greg

yes there is another post of mine but i tried to start a new one for the audio only that ok?

and the gateway web site cant find my cpu maybe too old 2003...gateway 300cel
any ideas?
The issues you are having all come from the same source, you fix one, you can fix them all. I found the drivers for your model here

Note that this 300 model has many different configurations based on where it was sold, so the drivers listed may not work, or you may need to try different driver versions for the same hardware. I suggest you do this with a friend who knows a bit about computers to sort out what needs to be installed.