Get Windows 10 app icon is not showing up


Hey, guys

I have 2009 lap top that was shipped with Windows Vista and then upgraded to Windows 7 64 bit. I just recently installed new Samsung 500 Gb SSD and Windows 7 on it. The lap top meets minimum requirements for Windows 10. It has Core 2 duo at 2.9 Ghz processor, 4 Gb memory. I installed all possible updates to Windows 7 and the "Get Windows 10 app" icon is not showing up. I been looking for a way to reserve my Windows 10 on the Microsoft web site and found this:

"PCs that we determine cannot run Windows 10 will not see the Get Windows 10 app before July 29, 2015. After July 29, 2015, we’ll enable the icon in the system tray. This is to help ensure that you can easily check your PC’s compatibility if you choose".

Do you think it means- my lap top will not be able to run Win 10? Any other way to reserve Win 10 for it and run the checker? Thank you.




I just did this on one of laptops and it worked... try it
1. A few peeps came to the same conclusion after reading articles that for whatever reason, in the pics it looked like the icon was on lower left of screen ... if that's the case, look on lower left :) .

2. Do you have KB 3035583 installed (check installed updates)

3. Look for C:\Windows\System32\GWX and double click on it

Last resort


try this also. sorry this site is where I fixed the icon not showing up....UPDATE


Corndog, thanks for the script. I would wait with installing it for now.

JackNaylor, thank you for the update info. Yep- it failed today when I was installing it. It says- I must have Win 7 SP1. I have that. So how do I attempt to install it again? Thank you.


I installed 67 recommended and few important updates today. Out of all of them two that I need for this icon are failed. The article says,

Besides requiring Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update, you must also have installed:

For Windows 7 SP1:


And only 2 of these out of 70 updates failed. I need to run them again, and I dont see any info on how to run them again.
I have seen this before....

Before getting into that I'd like toi find out if"

AV is turned off
She looked for C:\Windows\System32\GWX and double clicked on it
Kept running WU until it said "no mas"

I remember after I did my updates, the icon didn't actually show up till next day



ok. she is in your capable hands...see ya!!


When you say, "he" you talking to me, the OP? I am "she" which is no big deal- was not sure if you talking to me. What is AV and WU? Windows update? I have updates on manual- it notifies me, I install them. As I say- installed like 70 updates today, and finally those two installed but no icon. I was looking at C:\Windows\System32\GWX would be nice if I could click on that update and run it? But I dont have AWX folder under System 32. Where are the updates stored? Thank you.



sorry I did not mean to offend. my daughter is a GAMER.....I should know better... I fixed it

AV = AntiVirus
WU = Windows Update

Good idea leaving notifications on and installing manually

If you install Windows 7, You have to run WU over and over and over .... and over and over .... and over ... I counted once, don't remember the answer but was well into double digits.

So when you download / install 70 items.... after it's done you might think you're done... you do it again and it will download 14 more.... you do it again and it will download / install 11 more....

Ya just have to keep doing it until it says "no more"

There is a GWX folder or should be. GWX stands for Get Windows 10

It's an exe file




Yep, I have a folder GWX and when I double click on application file, it "thinks" for a second and nothing happens. I am clicking on all applications and nothing happens. Any thoughts? I did disable antivirus and no more updates is available.
I dunno .... mine wasn't there one day after I had done the d/l's and few days later I noticed it was ... I didn't much care as I don't plan on doing it till maybe 2016. But again, i was looking on left side of taskbar and then one day I noticed it on right.

<== Mr. Observant


That is Win 7 upgrade advisor. I need Win 10 upgrade advisor, which supposed to be part of that icon. Also it says- if computer is not compatible, it will not show until July 29th... I hope this is not the case. But I guess I will live with Win 7 then...


Hey there everybody

Believe it or not- today I turned the lap top on and after working for an hour, the Windows 10 app showed up and asked me to reserve. What a sneaky thing! Spent all this time trying to make it appear last night and it won't- it did it on its own. Ok, long as it did. Guess I am upgrading this lap top to Win 10... Thanks for all your help!

Told ya :) .... same thing happened to me. It seems to need some time and an reboot to work.

Tho I won't be pushing that button till at least January 2016.




yea I will wait for some of the bugs to be worked out as well. on my laptops and secondary gaming pc I will do the update to windows 10. on my rig in sig, CLEAN INSTALL ONLY... I am prepared AND BACKEDUP ALREADY... I cant wait to see what DX12 will do...