gettign the highest rated parts from amazon and the lowest cost of the highest rated, is that ok? or go for laptop? which is b

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Jun 8, 2017
gettign the highest rated parts from amazon and the lowest cost of the highest rated, is that ok? or go for laptop? which is better, i dunno any of this stuff

looking for best value

best value = highest performance/gains to cost ratio

main use is chrome

need something that is good for moving often (from nyc to sf for example) / travelling

* is desktop like 70% of a laptop for same thing?

* or laptop like 150% of a desktop?

need to know to decide


would desktop be 70% cost of a laptop or?

no limit, it's about best value

i need to know this:

would desktop be 70% cost of a laptop or?

cant decide without this

no way to know if laptop would be it

For a given performance level, a desktop will be 'less expensive' than a laptop.
Then, factor in your mobility needs.

Best value would be to go to a thrift store and pick up whatever is still working?

For extreme portability a Windows tablet:

Or this tiny ultrabook.

Or for something slightly newer:

All depends what you consider an acceptable expense. And keep in mind these machines were likely at someone's work desk running 9-5 every day for three to five years.

You could pick up the bargain laptop of the week at wal-mart or whatever. It will be terrible, but should meet all your requirements.

A desktop is cheaper in the regards that you get more performance for the money. But the base cost of a computer is pretty much the same. You can offset this a lot by already having peripherals (Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, headphone/speakers)

Something like a refurbished all-in-one would be more portable, but really you might as well get a laptop at that point.

I might be tempted to recommend those refurbished machines to someone on a really tight budget. But if you didn't want to get a used system here are a few decent deals:

That $400 one isn't too bad for browsing and multimedia. Not a huge fan of spinning drives in ultrabooks, but you get what you pay for.

Yes, we understand that.
"value" varies. Your value is not my value.

However...we do not really know what you are looking for.

Give us an actual number, rather than nebulous words.

@USAFRet already provided the answer, a working PC that cost you nothing It has an infinite performance to price ratio. That is YOUR criterion -- performance / price. You won't beat a FREE computer with anything paid for.
Question from computerbroken : "what's best value laptop for mainly chrome use, and very few desktop stuff rarely"

what's best value laptop for mainly chrome use, and very few desktop stuff rarely

looking for best value in 2017

best value = highest performance/gains to cost ratio

main use is chrome,, use very few desktop stuff rarely

was advised to get laptop cos

needed something that is good for moving often (from nyc to sf for example) / travelling
True, but for price/performance I would stay away from a Mac and I say that as a MacBook Pro owner. For what you would pay for a MacBook you could a Windows laptop with better specs for less money and have upgrade options in the future. Have you looked at the laptop suggested by USAFRet?
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