Getting 4k gaming on my TV


Nov 1, 2013
What is the best way to stream 4k gaming to TV. Please not current monitor is 1080p and only the TV is 4k. Currently have steamlink, but no way to do 4k. I can run an HDMI to the TV if needed, but was unsure if there would be any issues with the different resolutions. Other option is nvidia shield, which I hear can have some problems with 4k. Thank you for your help.
If they are both hooked up at the same time, it should likely appear as a second monitor in display settings, for an extended desktop across both screens, and you should be able to verify and configure the resolution of each screen individually from there. Some games can potentially encounter issues when using multiple screens at once though, so you might want to unplug/disable the one if you won't be keeping them hooked up like this all the time.

And back to what I said before, gaming at 4K resolution requires a lot of graphics card performance. A GTX 1060 is an excellent card for 1080p, and fairly good for 1440p, but 4K will likely bring it to its knees in games like The Witcher 3, unless you turn all the settings down on low, in...
What kind of graphics card does your computer have? You need a very high-end graphics card to run most modern AAA games at 4K with high settings, since it needs to render four times the pixels of 1080p. If you are used to playing at 1080p, you'll likely get around one-third the frame rates at the same settings at 4K.

Aside from that, try HDMI and see how it works.
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Device Type: Full Device
Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 15063) (15063.rs2_release.170317-1834)\
System Model: G11CD
BIOS: 0802
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 16314MB RAM
Page File: 10025MB used, 8720MB available

I will likely not be running the newest and greatest, mainly would not mind play witcher 3, etc. Just got it on steam sale.

If I do try it, is there any certain you have to set it up with the two different monitors, or just change the resolution in the display settings like I normal would? Then I would assume just open the game in the TV etc.

If they are both hooked up at the same time, it should likely appear as a second monitor in display settings, for an extended desktop across both screens, and you should be able to verify and configure the resolution of each screen individually from there. Some games can potentially encounter issues when using multiple screens at once though, so you might want to unplug/disable the one if you won't be keeping them hooked up like this all the time.

And back to what I said before, gaming at 4K resolution requires a lot of graphics card performance. A GTX 1060 is an excellent card for 1080p, and fairly good for 1440p, but 4K will likely bring it to its knees in games like The Witcher 3, unless you turn all the settings down on low, in which case it would likely look better running at 1080p with the graphics on ultra.
Thanks for you help. One more side bar. If I am going to run it, and other games, in 1080p most likely, can you see any reason to pay almost 10X as much for the shield vs, steamlink. Well full disclosure, I did not get a game pad yet for the steamlink.