Getting a new cpu


Jun 17, 2017
currently upgrading my computer and wanting to replace my old ddr3 motherboard and fx8320 cpu any recommendation on what cpu has the most bang for its price kinda on a budget here but a i7-7700k cost around 1.6k where i live so that gives you and idea need help deciding what to buy
My top picks, in descending order of price:

i7 7700K
i7 7700
Ryzen 5 1600
i5 7500
Ryzen 5 1500X

My opinion, the best deals are the 7700 (non-K) and 1600. The 7700K allows you to overclock but must be paired with a more expensive motherboard and needs an aftermarket cooler, which drives up cost a lot. It's only a good choice if you need the absolute best performance. The i7 7700 generally beats the R5 1600 in games but is more expensive, and falls behind in other tasks because the R5 has more cores/threads. An i5 7500 or R5 1500X are both fair choices for a bit cheaper, but don't seem to offer the same value as the 1600 or 7700 to me.

ah right sorry im mostly a gamer i already swapped out my old amd7700 for a gtx 1060 now i just need to replace my cpu and motherboard for less bottlenecking
if u only game and stuff even an i5 would do great with that 1060... with that 8320 everything is an improvement tbh... except an i3... i have it too swapping it for a ryzen for more productivity and editing.... whats your budget and are you willing to overclock or not

just want a cpu that can last me a couple of years cause after this upgrade im broke af lol

around 700 dollars for a new cpu and board plus ram and case im basically asking for the best bang for my buck so that it could last awhile before i need to switch a new one
for your budget u can get alot of good gear.... id prefer intel for gaming but amd guarantees am4 platform will be used till 2020 i.e zen2 zen 3 will also use am4 platform so it will get bug fixes till then for sure.. i dont have any info on intel tho.... both companies give 3 year warrenty sufficient for your asking... amd will give more cores but less per core performance essential for most games... but some amd processors give lower tdp than intels offerings.... as a gamer u should look more towards intel but if... possibly u want to edit or do anything else that requires raw performance.. amd is your pick...

which intel do u recommend i5 or i7 i want to know if i7-7700k is worth it for its price or if i5 has a better price to performance ration
its for a fact that hyperthreading and more onboard cache will give i7 an upper hand in more demanding games... u can see a high dip there in games like witcher 3 or ashes of the singularity but in less cpu centric titles gpu is the one that will define a pc.. i7 is much better but in less cpudemanding titles oc i5 will fare same as stock i7... id say go for i7 7700 or k Version depending on your need to overclock or not
ram...anything above 16gb is a waste for you....try to get a higher clocked one even if u dont it will fare you just as fine......motherboard is important, will hold the key for future proofing the pc....u want m.2slots ...sli or not , headers dedicated rgb etc etc ......BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY WILL YOU OVERCLOCK because if u do ull need a very good and stable and well made motherboard with a good vrm or ull burn it down in flames....also make sure you have enough wattage in your power supply unit

i dont really overclock my cpu because its hot enough as it is lol my place is too hot so i wont be overclocking my cpu and which board would you recommend me to buy that has the fairest price
My top picks, in descending order of price:

i7 7700K
i7 7700
Ryzen 5 1600
i5 7500
Ryzen 5 1500X

My opinion, the best deals are the 7700 (non-K) and 1600. The 7700K allows you to overclock but must be paired with a more expensive motherboard and needs an aftermarket cooler, which drives up cost a lot. It's only a good choice if you need the absolute best performance. The i7 7700 generally beats the R5 1600 in games but is more expensive, and falls behind in other tasks because the R5 has more cores/threads. An i5 7500 or R5 1500X are both fair choices for a bit cheaper, but don't seem to offer the same value as the 1600 or 7700 to me.

which motherboard should i buy to pair up with the 7700 ?
You may use any board with a B250, H270 or Z270 chipset. Either of these would be good, inexpensive choices:,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=