Getting a tv to work as as monitor


Sep 29, 2011
OK, Parents Monitor died, replaced it with a acer 20 inch; but in the auto set up it went to "high resolution" and his means the print and all Icons are small. This is not good for elderly parents. I played with it all evening a grew many of the features to help with old eyes (mine included) but am not happy with it.
I read that using a ty as a monitor is better if you don't want the high resolution; so we plugged a tv into it; rebooted (windows xp) the boot and windows loading screen appeared but then the "system not supported" message appeared.
how do I get the computer to see and send to the tv properly. The computer has a older graphics card that works ok.
First I'll address the Acer 20 inch. The reason the print was small is explained by the fact that 1) your viewing distance is usually greater with a TV than with a monitor 2) The resolution was so high that the text was necessarily small and 3) It sounds like you may have misconfigured the system. Windows magnifier can be used to zoom things in, and Ctrl+Mouse wheel will zoom in most applications. You could play with your Acer settings and check up on the "auto-set up" or lower the resolution.

Second, as to your TV issue: You haven't provided nearly enough information. What interface are you even using? What card model are you using? We need this kind of information before we can help you.

Fix for the TV setup.

because you have set the resolution in windows to a HIGH monitor resolution the TV is unable to display.

if you tap the F8 key from the moment you turn the computer and choose "Enable VGA Mode"

this will boot the computer with the lowest resolution settings possiable. there you can turn them up to the max the TV will handle.