Getting a weird framerate drop/ stutter sort of thing???


Mar 12, 2014
Processor - AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black edition (3.4ghz)
Graphics Card - AMD Radeon Sapphire R9 270X 4GB OC edition (8GB total shared)
RAM - 2x 4gb(8gb) PNY DDR3
Power Supply - 850watt EVGA SuperNOVA G2
Motherboard - GIGABYTE MA785GMT-UD2H

I was playing Diablo 3 earlier and i would randomly get like a weird freeze or like pause in it for like 2 seconds at a time, I also had it happen in the game Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and it would randomly freeze for a few seconds. I messed with the setting, put the game on all low settings and low res and still got the stutters/ freezes ( i said something in the chat and others had it happening also on Chivalry: Medieval Warfare)
Any idea what could cause it? Diablo 3 runs at 60 FPS all the time until the freeze hits and drops for a second and jumps back to 60. <that shows the freeze im getting in Diablo 3

any way to fix?
Thank you :)

On Diablo 3 the CPU only went up to 42% was the highest i seen it go and the gpu wasnt 100% either it was around 65% not sure if its a bottleneck
Tho on the other hand my ram is at 72% if that might effect it in any way

These are the only games ive noticed it in. it doesnt do it in Dark Souls 2 or DayZ (the mod) or Thief or BF4 or anyother games i play just those 2..

it just started happening
and i didnt really change anything, but i did upgrade my gpu from a HD6670 to the R9 270X, did have problems then but i had a PSU problem and put the 6670 back in and after i fized my PSU i put my R9 270X back in. but i cant think of anything other than maybe the 6670s drivers interfering maybe? but after i switched back i didnt really notice it much recently till not to long ago. and its just on those 2 games.
And nah im not really into overclocking.
Okay does this issue occurs in other games too? Like battlefield 3-4, farcry 3 Assassin creeds?
I suspect it could be bottlenecking because you had an Oce'd edition card while your cpu is running at @3.4Ghz, try to overclock your cpu.

it doesnt happen on any other games than Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and Diablo 3. all my other games run fine. and Diablo 3 dosesnt that that massive of a CPU to run it. according to this i shouldnt be having any trouble running it

Should i maybe try a fresh install of the games maybe?