Getting articats in performance test in w7


Jul 8, 2009
hey i got windows 7 7600 build and when i run the windows system performance test to see my ratings, during the test i get artifacts and i have to restart my pc ?? any idea why, im running my cpu, and gpu on stock, ram at 1066mhz everything should be good so why does it crash and also the temps are good, cpu 33, gpu 54, i dont know what else it can be any help would be appriciated. the ram is rated for 1066 so its not overclocked.

I didn't respond at first because I know nothing of white felines.

Now, I think I can't respond because I don't know what an AMD setup does.

But since you have gone 3.5 hours without a response . . . and now maybe longer . . . I can at least ask what other stress tests have you run? what other failures have you seen? what games run successfully, and not?
every thing runs good prime runs fine, as everything is on stock, im talking bout the windows 7 it has a performance test which rates your hardware its between 1.0 to 7.9, when i run that couple minutes in i get the pixel artifacts the full screen so i got to restart my pc.

i got no idea as why it does that. Usually it would be cuz of overclocked gpu or heat but thats not the case here.

bioshock, left4dead, team fortress 2, titan quest, call of duty 2 and other games run fine. its just this one thing that gives me those artifacts.
you need to update your graphics drivers. Are you using the default drivers that 7 installed?
by the way, my cats are pretty arti, but got them to stop wearing the berets and smoking cloves...I just thought they looked pretentious.
Those articats arepretty fast... I wish I had a few for next winter's snow season in Dubbo. I'm jealous... Over here in Aus they are about 7k, and you are getting yours for free.

OK, you've checked your memory, got the latest drivers, everything runs just fine except the WEI app, right? Don't run it then. It is a useless tool, based on useless MS datatables, and serves no useful purpose, not even 'bragging rights'.
artifacts are more than likely the videocard's problem especially that you mentioned it's during d3d test (i know form experience 4870 R.I.P)
and the dots indicates vga memory problems not the GPU faulty or overheated.

check it with FurMark that utilizes the videocard on max. because it can happen that you don't see any artifact in games but during benchmark.