Hello, this problem is really getting on my nerve here. I had a Ryzebn 5 2400G with a Gigabyte B450M S2H Mobo and Corsair Vengeance x2 8GB 2400 Mhz RAM paired with a GTX 960 (Running the latest drivers as of this moment.). I upgraded to Ryzen 5 3500x. As my mobo is not Ryzen 3000 ready so I updated BIOS to the latest version. So far good. Then I installed windows 11 on it bypassing secure boot. After that, I didn't like windows 11 that much so I switched to Windows 10 again. After switching I couldn't use my PC anymore. I got MEMORY MANAGEMENT BSOD every time I tried to use it. I was confused. I also got Cl.dll BSOD and INTERNAL EXTERNAL NOT EQUAL BSOD. After looking up I saw that it might be RAM or driver problem. Also, corrupted windows may be the case. So, I reinstalled windows on it again. It was still the same. So, I tried replacing the RAM. It worked for some time. I did everything on it including playing games. After playing when I quit and opened chrome it gave me the memory management BSOD. I tried changing the RAM. It stays ok then after some time randomly it gives me the BSOD. My NVME SSD died in the process. Its memory chip died so I had to change the SSD. I tried degrading my BIOS version but it's still the same. I don't know what should I do now. Please help me, someone. Thank you.