Try to ask for help in the memory forum but no one has answered
I just put new ram in and it seems to be working fine and has made my comp better as well but the error message is bothering me, i was wondering what it was and if there was a way to fix it
The error message is this
"No dqs reciver enable pass window found
Dqs rcver en pass window too small(far right in dynamic range)
Dqs-dq passing window to small"
Help would be awesome
I just put new ram in and it seems to be working fine and has made my comp better as well but the error message is bothering me, i was wondering what it was and if there was a way to fix it
The error message is this
"No dqs reciver enable pass window found
Dqs rcver en pass window too small(far right in dynamic range)
Dqs-dq passing window to small"
Help would be awesome