Getting low fps in games with my gtx 670


I expected WAY more than 40(some times even below 30)-70fps in crysis2... I payed 400$ for a graphics card that i heard played crysis2 at nothing below 60... Im really confused please help me figure it out, also i get 30-60 in bf3 even when i hear your supposed to get 50-70

HAF 912
850W corsair enthusiast series
GTX 670 MSI lighting edition(1241[in game using msi afterburner counter]/3500)
Gigabyte GA-970a-UD3
2x4GB 1333mhz
DVD Driver
Regular drive
Caviar Black 1TB
ok so the best i could get was 4.7(btw I had it at 4.5 before) and now where I was getting like 30fps im now getting 40-50 which is good but REALLY? I mean I think it should be a lot better

P.S. im on the missioin roadrage in the subway, i get the worst lag spike when i go and look at the people talk by the heli(sorry if you never played just saying)

yeah its basically the same that i get in bf3(it really should be higher) also i have mine clocked at 1241 is it near the same speed as that 680?

UGH! did i waste my money for an upgrade(from the hd 6850) that was not even that great... also do you think I would get better fps if i get the i5-3570k?

Solid 60fps in BF3 on Ultra settings 4X MSAA MP?? I guess you have the magic edition 670!

Crysis 2
Arkham city

Are just a few of the games that won't run solid 60fps @ highest setting 1080p.

What drivers are you using btw? You would definitely benefit to a Piledriver 8350 upgrade, but your current CPU is clocked quite high already. Have you updated you MB bios, what is your GPU utilization during game play?

i already update my bios, and what do you mean by what is your gpu utiliztion?
Just ran two tests with one 670 PE BF3 Average 59.33FPS but i am getting in Crysis 2 Average 53.66fps