At what resolution are you running this? Did you max out the MSAA to ridiculous levels? Those are the issues that are probably responsible for the low FPS.
At what resolution are you running this? Did you max out the MSAA to ridiculous levels? Those are the issues that are probably responsible for the low FPS.
my friend has 3770k @ 4.2 with gtx 680 which is not TOP edition, gets 90 with better options then me 🙁
Well, we just found the problem, it is the MSAA, x8 is ridiculous for a single GTX 680 on 1920x1080. If you want seriously good FPS, try this He must be running multiple GTX 680(s) in SLI. Also, try overclocking your CPU, as it is very useful in tasks wether it be from gaming to productivity.
Well, we just found the problem, it is the MSAA, x8 is ridiculous for a single GTX 680 on 1920x1080. If you want seriously good FPS, try this He must be running multiple GTX 680(s) in SLI. Also, try overclocking your CPU, as it is very useful in tasks wether it be from gaming to productivity.
Whenever i overclock my CPU it says overlock failed im just a complete noob at it, but we sitll have a problem he only has 1 680 without top edition and plays at 80,.
Well, we just found the problem, it is the MSAA, x8 is ridiculous for a single GTX 680 on 1920x1080. If you want seriously good FPS, try this He must be running multiple GTX 680(s) in SLI. Also, try overclocking your CPU, as it is very useful in tasks wether it be from gaming to productivity.
Whenever i overclock my CPU it says overlock failed im just a complete noob at it, but we sitll have a problem he only has 1 680 without top edition and plays at 80,.
Well, we just found the problem, it is the MSAA, x8 is ridiculous for a single GTX 680 on 1920x1080. If you want seriously good FPS, try this He must be running multiple GTX 680(s) in SLI. Also, try overclocking your CPU, as it is very useful in tasks wether it be from gaming to productivity.
Whenever i overclock my CPU it says overlock failed im just a complete noob at it, but we sitll have a problem he only has 1 680 without top edition and plays at 80,.
MSAA OFF = 31 FPS like REALLY???
Try unplugging your other monitors and see if that helps. Try setting some of the effects to high rather than very high and use the injector I linked.
Unplugged, 26-32 FPS
plugged, 23-30 FPS
Do i really have to do it? cause i got this computer to play @ ultra, my friend evne plays @ ultra but i cant its a problem im trying to solve it not trying to play the game.
Your video card is not being fed like it should. Either in data or power. If your cpu isn't getting too hot then a power issue? Is it running at 16x? Some slots on boards are 4x.
Well, we just found the problem, it is the MSAA, x8 is ridiculous for a single GTX 680 on 1920x1080. If you want seriously good FPS, try this He must be running multiple GTX 680(s) in SLI. Also, try overclocking your CPU, as it is very useful in tasks wether it be from gaming to productivity.
Whenever i overclock my CPU it says overlock failed im just a complete noob at it, but we sitll have a problem he only has 1 680 without top edition and plays at 80,.
MSAA OFF = 31 FPS like REALLY???
Try unplugging your other monitors and see if that helps. Try setting some of the effects to high rather than very high and use the injector I linked.
Unplugged, 26-32 FPS
plugged, 23-30 FPS
Alright, it cannot be the monitors. Use the injector and tone down some of the settings to high or run it all @High, you were running settings intended for a Dual GPU setup, your friend must have been running it a lower resolution to get such high FPS.
Your video card is not being fed like it should. Either in data or power. If your cpu isn't getting too hot then a power issue? Is it running at 16x? Some slots on boards are 4x.
How should i check? Should i buy anything or what cause i cant buy anything at the moment .And i remember playing this games with i mean 60-70 FPS
Well, we just found the problem, it is the MSAA, x8 is ridiculous for a single GTX 680 on 1920x1080. If you want seriously good FPS, try this He must be running multiple GTX 680(s) in SLI. Also, try overclocking your CPU, as it is very useful in tasks wether it be from gaming to productivity.
Whenever i overclock my CPU it says overlock failed im just a complete noob at it, but we sitll have a problem he only has 1 680 without top edition and plays at 80,.
MSAA OFF = 31 FPS like REALLY???
Try unplugging your other monitors and see if that helps. Try setting some of the effects to high rather than very high and use the injector I linked.
Unplugged, 26-32 FPS
plugged, 23-30 FPS
Alright, it cannot be the monitors. Use the injector and tone down some of the settings to high or run it all @High, you were running settings intended for a Dual GPU setup, your friend must have been running it a lower resolution to get such high FPS.
Its a hardware or software problem, hes playing at 1080p with no lag at max settings, and these settings i got it from nvidia experience
Use the Red PCI-E slots on the Rampage 4 Extreme to achieve maximum performance. If you do not have a good cooler to overclock, this will work wonders. Run SweetFX, turn of MSAA and run most of the settings @High (Not Very High) and see how it goes. Just remember to Overclock. To check you open the case up and check if the GTX 680 is connected to a red slot.
Use the Red PCI-E slots on the Rampage 4 Extreme to achieve maximum performance. If you do not have a good cooler to overclock, this will work wonders.
i have a really really good air cooler, but i just dont know how to overclock 😛
it is on the red slot
Use the Red PCI-E slots on the Rampage 4 Extreme to achieve maximum performance. If you do not have a good cooler to overclock, this will work wonders.
i have a really really good air cooler, but i just dont know how to overclock 😛
it is on the red slot
Use the Red PCI-E slots on the Rampage 4 Extreme to achieve maximum performance. If you do not have a good cooler to overclock, this will work wonders.
i have a really really good air cooler, but i just dont know how to overclock 😛
it is on the red slot
It says it is running @2.0 X16@X8, that seems odd. I think it had something to do with early drivers, try updating your video card drivers at nVdia's website.
It says it is running @2.0 X16@X8, that seems odd. I think it had something to do with early drivers, try updating your video card drivers at nVdia's website.