It's driving me CRAZY. I've had this problem on and off for several months now and I can't find the cause of the problem.
PC specs:
Intel Core i5-6400
CPU@ 2.7 GHz
Processor Cores 4
RAM 8 GB (2133 MHz DDR4)
Hard Drive 1 TB SATA HDD
Hard Drive Speed 7200 rpm
Graphics Card AMD Radeon R9 370
Windows 10
Now, I have done SO many things (changes) to my computer in an attempt to fix them. Out of desperation I got a new computer from best buy to see if the problem was with my ACTUAL computer or with my internet connection. The problem persists even on the new computer.
Ok, so it must be my connection right? But when I run a speedtest and pingtest from my download/upload speed, latency, packet loss, jitter and everything are 100% fine.
I had the same issue a while ago, causing me to change my ISP from my old one to my current one. (Bell Canada > Rogers). After the switch I concluded there must not have been anything wrong with my ISP after all since I was having the same issue even after changing ISPs.
I know this is an odd circumstance but does anyone have ANY idea of what could be causing this? Sometimes I do have good days/weeks where everything is fine but then it will start lagging again for days/weeks/months at a time and I don't have a CLUE what causes it or stops it.
The main game I play is League of Legends. The lag is NOT EXTREMELY noticeable but is indeed noticeable. The movements are sometimes stutter-y, mouse clicks feel not as accurate, skill shots are impossible to hit (if anyone is familiar with the game) and everything just seems OFF. I noticed if I continue playing with these issues they will get noticeably worse and worse to the point where my character is gliding across the screen and I'm unable to move or click for periods of time.< (not sure if that has anything to do with ANYTHING, but worth mentioning I guess.)
Another game I play is Blade and Soul. The situation is similar.
The lag makes games completely unenjoyable. I've been having these issues (on and off) for several MONTHS now. After buying a new computer and having the same problem, it makes me think it's not my computer but instead, my connection. On the other hand I DID change my ISP in an attempt to fix this and that didn't solve the problem either. :S
The only other thing I can think of that would be wrong would be my monitor. (144hz Acer LCD monitor 1ms response time). But again, the "lag" sometimes goes away, then comes back randomly with no changes made to my monitor or monitor settings.
I just want to enjoy my games
Posting on here cause after doing hours/days worth of research, I am at a complete loss. if anyone has any ideas or advice that would be appreciated.
PC specs:
Intel Core i5-6400
CPU@ 2.7 GHz
Processor Cores 4
RAM 8 GB (2133 MHz DDR4)
Hard Drive 1 TB SATA HDD
Hard Drive Speed 7200 rpm
Graphics Card AMD Radeon R9 370
Windows 10
Now, I have done SO many things (changes) to my computer in an attempt to fix them. Out of desperation I got a new computer from best buy to see if the problem was with my ACTUAL computer or with my internet connection. The problem persists even on the new computer.
Ok, so it must be my connection right? But when I run a speedtest and pingtest from my download/upload speed, latency, packet loss, jitter and everything are 100% fine.
I had the same issue a while ago, causing me to change my ISP from my old one to my current one. (Bell Canada > Rogers). After the switch I concluded there must not have been anything wrong with my ISP after all since I was having the same issue even after changing ISPs.
I know this is an odd circumstance but does anyone have ANY idea of what could be causing this? Sometimes I do have good days/weeks where everything is fine but then it will start lagging again for days/weeks/months at a time and I don't have a CLUE what causes it or stops it.
The main game I play is League of Legends. The lag is NOT EXTREMELY noticeable but is indeed noticeable. The movements are sometimes stutter-y, mouse clicks feel not as accurate, skill shots are impossible to hit (if anyone is familiar with the game) and everything just seems OFF. I noticed if I continue playing with these issues they will get noticeably worse and worse to the point where my character is gliding across the screen and I'm unable to move or click for periods of time.< (not sure if that has anything to do with ANYTHING, but worth mentioning I guess.)
Another game I play is Blade and Soul. The situation is similar.
The lag makes games completely unenjoyable. I've been having these issues (on and off) for several MONTHS now. After buying a new computer and having the same problem, it makes me think it's not my computer but instead, my connection. On the other hand I DID change my ISP in an attempt to fix this and that didn't solve the problem either. :S
The only other thing I can think of that would be wrong would be my monitor. (144hz Acer LCD monitor 1ms response time). But again, the "lag" sometimes goes away, then comes back randomly with no changes made to my monitor or monitor settings.
I just want to enjoy my games