Getting new graphic card


Dec 12, 2016
My current computer specs:

-Windows 10
- AMD Radeon R7 250
- Intel core i5-4670 CPU @ 3,40 GHz
- Montherboard B85M-G43
- 250GB SSD card; 1TB HDD

I just bought new monitor (XL2411Z Benq), and i wasnt paying much attention to my graphic card, so now i cant even use my monitor full potential (my current GPU only has SL-DVI-D and i need DL-DVI-D for 144Hz option).

Now im looking for a new GPU but not something extreme. Im ready to give up to 300€ for a new GPU.

Looking at something like:

- RX 470, 4GB GDDR5, PCI-E 3.0
- GeForce GTX 1060, 3GB GDDR5

Im not computer expert, so any advice on buying new GPU would be appreciated. I am also wondering which part of my computer is the "worst" part atm?,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

Use promo code VCOGREEN16 to bring it down to $219 and then after you do the MIR you'll only be paying $200 for an 8 gigabyte RX480.

Everything else is fine in your rig, that i5 is definitely good for the forseeable future.

What's your current PSU?

im using lc6600h-12 v2.31 (600W PSU)


Yeah 64 bit.

Im from central Europe. I love the GPU u chose but its loo tong for my PC Whats the difference between other RX 480 8GB series?