well it started a while ago in terms of a yr or more but started with flash games specifically castleville on fb but now has moved to WOW and now the Elder scrolls, Warplanes and now some high end other flash games. I am getting a couple short than a long beep and looking up the beep codes it tells me memory but I have quadroupled my memory now at 16GB, have changed video card twice to an Nvidia GT card with 2GB on the card and it has to have external power to run which I have connected. The beeps have come randomly at high graphics use times with all cards and memory and now when it beeps it just stays on I notice when I move my mouse a lot while the beep is occurring it will stop until I stop moving the mouse then it starts again until I turn off the game or whatever is using the video. I am thinking it could be my P.S. as it is like a 480 or 500 watt unit and that it might just not have enough power to run everything but with money being tight I want to be sure of what the issue is before I spend any money on a part. Have a quad core CPU so most things shouldn't be an issue with computer, this unit I built myself so no brand name to it other than parts and worked just fine first couple of yrs any ideas? anything would help please. Thank You