I used to get all my drivers at drivers.com But they like many other places have now gotten it where its had to get what you need or want. I don't call my self a pc genius.
But it is getting hard to get free things any more,I have been building pc,s for all my family as of late and don't want to really buy drivers as, i just give the computers away.I could put the card1394 net into one of the dell pcs. But wanted to use it in Asus mother board. 32 or 64 bit.duo-core. I just have been questing as no its not something i have to have just would like to find one . And yes PC works fine without it. I am sure i had the drivers at one time for the 1394 net . But up dated the the Asus putting a bigger mother board . And changed out the CPU. And really dont know where i put my disk for the net drivers . Thanks any way have a great day. Ridder