Getting some more life from an old Asus P6T


Nov 10, 2012
I have an old P6T that's still going strong but is starting to give me issues with newer games. I am maxed out on RAM and have a massive overbuilt liquid cooling system which I really didn't need but made for fun. I figured later on (now) I would be able to overclock the CPU to the heavens and be able to keep it cool. So far, I haven't had to overclock... but I think it's time.

Anyway.. I have the P6T with an old i7 920 and 24 gig of ram. I'm not sure what the RAM specs are. I can look if it makes a difference.

Anyway, I want to get a card that will get my old girl back in fighting trim and possibly be able to stay with me if I fry the CPU by overclocking it. I'm not experienced at overclocking and prefer to avoid it if possible, I just want to play games not build computers. :)
Depends on what budget you have, what games you play. In most cases, the rx480 or gtx970 is good for most games in 1080p. or the newer rx470, gtx1050. Or the high end gtx1070, 1080. And you should read the reviews, like Best Graphics Cards, RX470 review, or Graphics: Reviews .

And if you buy the powerful gpu, your i7 920 will bottleneck the GPU. Also you may or may not need the new PSU, because you don't post what PSU you had.

Thank you! I will do that. The PSU is a Thermaltake 750 Watt monster which I can't remember the model number of....but that's kind of neither here nor there considering the bottleneck situation. I'm not averse to updating the processor if it's possible as well.

Thank you very much!

What would you recommend I get if I want to upgrade the processor and graphics card to play the latest games? Is it a waste of money to keep investing in the old P6T motherboard?