So I've been out of the scene for a few years now since I originally built this girl about 5 or so years ago now I suppose. With the new Pascal line of gpu's coming out shortly I figure its probably getting about time to try and bring new life to my gaming/everyday use rig. I'm honestly surprised the system has lasted as long as it has already, to this day I can still play games like Witcher 3 with no severe lag issues and even GTA V if I lower my standards on resolution haha I'm playing on a 1080p screen but would really love to upgrade to 2K or maybe even 4K if the price is reasonable in the future while hopefully not sacrificing too many of my current components. I do definitely have the itch to start all brand new and just gift this desktop to my girlfriend but the idea of sinking in upwards of $2000 when really unneeded makes my wallet wanna cry. I should note I live in Canada so I likely won't have as much play room in my budget as you more fortunate USA members. Enough with the jabber though here are my specs.
Corsair H60 Liquid Cooling
8.00 GB Corsair Vengence 1600
Gigabyte Radeon HD 6850
60GB SSD for OS
From doing some light reading I think I might be able to get away with simply upgrading the GPU but would going up to 16 GBs of RAM make any noticeable improvements? Would replacing the power supply for a better rating be of real benefit, the system is typically on a maximum of 12 hours a day if not less. I'm not particularly interested in going into heavy OCing but a little bump would be nice. Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated!
Corsair H60 Liquid Cooling
8.00 GB Corsair Vengence 1600
Gigabyte Radeon HD 6850
60GB SSD for OS
From doing some light reading I think I might be able to get away with simply upgrading the GPU but would going up to 16 GBs of RAM make any noticeable improvements? Would replacing the power supply for a better rating be of real benefit, the system is typically on a maximum of 12 hours a day if not less. I'm not particularly interested in going into heavy OCing but a little bump would be nice. Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated!