Getting very low frames in Minecraft with a decent PC

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Jan 12, 2014
Hello everyone, this is my first post to the forums. I'm having FPS troubles getting 1-3 with 7 MAX. I don't know why. It started a little after I got my new graphics card. All drivers as I'm aware are up to date. Oddly enough, I get 60+ FPS in ANY other game. Minecraft is my only problem. I've gotten help by at least 50 people prior, but no one could think of a solution. Anything helpful would be deeply appreciated.

I've tried turning down my settings, still nothing

CPU: AMD FX 4130 Quad-Core 3.8 GHz
RAM: 8G (Kingston Hyper - all the info I could find)
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost
Motherboard: MSi 760GM-P34 FX
OS: Windows 8.1

Best Regards, Kulalolk
Hmmm... have you tried playing with the render distances in game??? Also what you could do is reinstall minecraft completely. You would do this by finding the .minecraft folder and deleting it and then reinstalling minecraft, not by just deleting the app. Also have you checked the task manager and shut down other things on your computer that are taking up cpu usage? Hope this helps!!!!

Thanks for the fast reply. I have tried turning down every setting, nothing. I've reinstalled MC more than 20 times at this point. Ind the things I have open when playing are; MC, Task Manager, Skype, etc. nothing too resource intensive.
When you say you have reinstalled minecraft do you mean you have reinstalled the application or reinstalled all system files that have to do with minecraft. That is what I meant by reinstalling minecraft altogether Beyond that I really have no idea what could be causing the problem besides faulty ram which I highly doubt.
So what I mean by that is watch a video on how to install a mod. When they get to the .minecraft folder, stop the video and delete that folder. Then reinstall the game and try it out.
It's probably your world save. It's either partially corrupted (VERY unlikely, can only happen with 3-rd party save editors like mcedit, etc) or you just have too many entities. What is your world looking like right now? Because if you are doing some heavy redstoning then you aren't going to have a great performance. Also, are you playing on a server? It could be server lag. Try playing in single player and see if that changes your average fps.

make sure all of your ram sticks are in securely, check all connections (hate to say it but you probably want to do this). cntrl+shft+esc and check any other processes. You probably have software that is hogging your memory or potential malware. Also disconnect from the internet and then try it, as some memory-intensive background programs utilize internet (malware especially)
Define bad fps too btw. I consider fps good as long as its +40 because i have a bad rig atm (not in 16 days tho 😀) You might think its bad if its below 60, which is only sometimes true.
RAM is in securely, no heavy processes, and I'll check internet right now. What I mean by "bad frames" is anywhere under 60, since that's what I get 95% of the time in almost all games I've ever played on this PC. In minecraft I only get 7 max which I find a little sketchy...
I did but the suggestions were "Try JVM arguments" and "Optifine" Which neither of those work. Optifine works if you have a bad PC but does the opposite if you have a good PC. Thanks for the help though.

np. I would keep trying on minecraft forums though
I'v tried that before, didn't help. But I kind of fixed the problem. I uninstalled my drivers, took out my my graphics card and put my old one in, and installed the drivers for that. Uninstalled those drivers, took out that graphics card and put my newer one in, and reinstalled the drovers. I know that sounds over-working, but it seems to work. I have an avrage FPS count of 5-7 with a max of 15. I'm kind of happy but still very disappointed...

EDIT: I'm still on the look for more FPS, so any suggestions are appreciated! 😀
My friend had a computer rather similar to this. Your graphics card, although it is most likely not your graphics card, is kind of a low end graphics card and same with you cpu. Your ram seems alright but what I am thinking is that you may need to change your cpu and graphics card if you can afford it. Also, could you tell me what type of hard drive you have?
Most games are directx games. Unfortunately minecraft is an openGL game which means it uses a different graphics engine. Most gaming graphics cards are dedicated to directx and some of them are very weak on openGL which is why you get higer fps in other games
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