GF3 --> ??


Jan 19, 2001
1.8Ghz Athlon XP
Gigabyte GA-7DX
512MB PC2100
Geforce 3

Assuming I will never upgrade any other component, what is the best bang-for-buck video card upgrade for a system like this?
I've got a fairly similar system, but a 1600+ and a Ti200.

First, what is your budget?
And second, you don't mind any manufacturer or either ATi or nVidia recommendations, right?

I'll just need these two considerations into finding out what we can get you.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>Are you ugly and looking into showing your mug? Then the THGC Album is the right place for you!</b></font color=blue></A>
i'd say Ti4200 😀 or if u want to be more future proof 9500 non-pro or 9700 non-pro

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
PROUD OWNER OF THE GEFORCE FX 5900ULTRA <-- I wish this was me
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF
The Radeon 9700 Non-pro has a lot of bang for buck in ther higher end. Th Radeon 9600 Pro offers nice card that compare similarly to a GeForce 4 Ti on DX 8 games. But it will do much better at DX9 games. If your all into budget a GF4 Ti is a good pick hence my list.

These are the vards that are the best value in each category

1. Upper-Low End - GF4 Ti 4200 64MB - $80 US
2. Mid Range - Radeon 9600 Pro 128MB - US $150
3. High End - Radeon 9700 Non-pro

Hope tis helps dude.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!
9700NP is my vote

(my Xp2000 & 9700pro hasnt been upgraded for a whole 3 months now, that's a new record 4 me... hmmm, where's that new bits pricelist ???)

Trust me I know what I'm doing... ooops, grab the cat...
for dx8 : Geforce 4 ti4200 (100 - 120 dollars something)
for dx9 : ati radeon 9600 (200 - 250 dollars something).

<font color=green>If your nose <b>RUNS</b>, and feet <b>SMELLS</b>.
Then you must be born <b>UP-SIDE DOWN</b>.</font color=green>
you said that you won't upgraade anything right?
that means you save all your money for a video card upgrade. The only thing i can recommend so far is a Ati radeon 9600 pro 128MB. The drivers are working so well already (catalyst 3.6, 3.7 later). And the directx 9.0 advantage compared to the gffx5600 ultra.

<font color=green>If your nose <b>RUNS</b>, and feet <b>SMELLS</b>.
Then you must be born <b>UP-SIDE DOWN</b>.</font color=green>
for dx8 : Geforce 4 ti4200 (100 - 120 dollars something)
Try $80 dude <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

for dx9 : ati radeon 9600 (200 - 250 dollars something).
Try $130 dude. <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!
Best bang for your buck in the low end is the GeforceTi 4200 or Radeon 9500 non-pro. ($80 to $120 range)

Best bang for your buck in the midrange is Radeon 9600 PRO ($130 to $160 range)

Best bang for your buck in the high end is Radeon 9700 non-pro ($200 to $230 range)

Radeon 9500 (modded to PRO w/8 pixel pipelines)
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3529