GFX and Video Rendering Laptop for ~$500

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Apr 14, 2014
Hey TomsHardware,

First off im kind of a noob when it comes to stuff like this but im learning,

I'm looking for something that has 8 gbs of RAM, and at least a 400 gb HDD and a 3.0 GHz processor, i dont really care about other stuff just looking for something that can render my graphics design and videos fairly quickly, any and all help is appreciated


APUs are incredibly weak, and will not make a good rendering machine at all! the nature of a laptop is sacrifices. youre trading vast amounts of performance for portability. Laptops run hot, just browsing the web for a couple hours, rendering on a laptop will run incredibly hot and run the life of the components down, fast.

Strongly consider a PC instead of a laptop
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