Gigabyte and EVGA GTX 960 - Is there a big difference?


Jul 13, 2015
Hi guys,

I bought a new PC last week and it said that it would come with a Gigabyte GTX 960 2gb card. However, I received an e-mail today saying that they had sold all their Gigabyte cards and I would have to wait until next month. They also said that they could build the PC with a EVGA GTX 960 2gb with no addiotional costs.

So what do you think? Is there a really difference between the two of them? I read that they are basically the same and it comes down to a brand difference.

Should I wait til next month or can I change it and have my pc sooner?

960 is a 960 no matter which company makes the non reference variant and both giagbyte and evga are well known brands. Depending on their variant they maybe overclocked or got a couple more cooling fans but other than that they are going to be the same the fps difference might be like literally negligible i mean a 1fps increment in certain games. It all comes down to your your personal preference, Local Service Centers and price. Well since it is no additional costs you might as well as ask them both the model names and check it on newegg if your evga card is priced higher remain mum if its priced lower ask for a lower estimate.