Gigabyte dual bios set up for Raid


Feb 24, 2015
Tried twice Raid 5 ? Windows 7 home premium 64 bit will not complete installation. At the moment motherboard is benched and cleared. Hard drives are being wiped over with Acronis so I can completely start over again. My Question : can I run my Kingston SSD300 on port 0 (GPT) just for high rate data transfer and then use my 2 seagate Barracuda in Raid 0 (GPT) with the OS underneath and then use my 3TB Fantom G-Force for shadow copies , volumes , backups and redundancy ? Any input would be helpful cuz it really consumes so so many hours to wipe every thing down to start over thanks Odie Aills
My impression is that all disks will run the same speed . . . but I am far from an expert, having just built my first array. When I researched it that was for SATA II vs. SATA III for HDDs. The Internet says that the SATA III HDDs will run at SATA II speeds within the array. That's the best input I can manage.

On the wiping and starting over, I feel your pain. I've done it many more than twice, and it's most definitely a drag.