Gigabyte G1 970 Limiting my core clocks


Dec 19, 2014
I just got a new Gigabyte G1 970 and the card is performing very well boosting to 1508MHz while only hitting 63 degrees without touching the voltage. The issue is Afterburner shows the graph seeming to hit a ceiling when the white graph line goes yellow and flattens out. Is this a BIOS issue or do I have a defect or something.

I don't use Afterburner, but don't you set a target power level and that determines boost? I use PrecisionX and I can set a Temp value, or a Power target, which will determine the max boost value. 1508Mhz is pretty great, I hit 1341 at those temps.


Dec 19, 2014

My core is set to +125, my memory is set to +175 and I think that can go higher. I have the power limit at the max 112% so it actually even boosted further this time and went to 1547MHz at 69 degrees. I ran firestrike and got a 9234 which is nice but being held back so much by my FX-6300, which is at 4.8GHz though.

My GTX970 is what made me jump to Intel, had an FX8350 that was just killing me in FF XIV.

<edit> spelling


Dec 19, 2014

Ya I am probably going to upgrade to Kaby Lake when that arrives because I really don't want to spend the money now and because Sky Lake was so unimpressive. I am not going to go and buy a new mobo, ram, cpu and cooler just to upgrade to what is a slightly better 4690k and 4790k. Granted I could just get the 4690k but I just blew over 550 dollars on this 970, Canadians get royally screwed on PC parts. Maybe if Zen isn't completely garbage I'll even think about giving that a shot.
I am Canadian too, and yes we do lol. I didn't feel like waiting either, this 5% BS per generation is killer....and tbh DDR4 won't be worth it for some time. Zen held some interest for me but broke my heart with Bulldozer, I can't do it again :(


Dec 19, 2014

I would really love to support AMD though because Intel needs some competition in the CPU market. When there is no competition they can get away with releasing lines like Sky Lake with these minuscule performance gains, and who is going to give Intel any reason not to. Not AMD that's for sure. I really hope AMD doesn't completely screw this up with Zen (although I think they will) because Intel is the only company making high performance consumer grade CPU's right now. AMD needs to push out a line that matches or is slightly beat by Intel for a better price to make any kind of change in the market.