Looking for results that others have achieved when OCing the G1 970 card.
I have OC'd mine but not exactly to my liking. I am currently at core 1493mhz and 7856mhz mem
I had in my head that I should be able to achieve north of 1500mhz as everywhere i read thats what people are getting and seeing how this is a binnd card i didnt think that is too hard to achieve.
The highest stable clock at +136 core and thats with no voltage increase. I get no articafts but the Open GL windows timeout error comes up. I tried increasing voltage by .025 but that did not help at all and power is staying around 98% with temps at 75.
I did end up having to increase voltage to get past 700 mhz mem clock
I had a suspect PSU so I bought a EVGA 850 supernova to make sure I had a steady power flow.
I just find it odd that I get no artifacts just an Open GL error.
EDIT: at +.025 voltage im running mem at +1100mhz stable and still adding. The memory on this thing overclocks like a champ.
I have OC'd mine but not exactly to my liking. I am currently at core 1493mhz and 7856mhz mem
I had in my head that I should be able to achieve north of 1500mhz as everywhere i read thats what people are getting and seeing how this is a binnd card i didnt think that is too hard to achieve.
The highest stable clock at +136 core and thats with no voltage increase. I get no articafts but the Open GL windows timeout error comes up. I tried increasing voltage by .025 but that did not help at all and power is staying around 98% with temps at 75.
I did end up having to increase voltage to get past 700 mhz mem clock
I had a suspect PSU so I bought a EVGA 850 supernova to make sure I had a steady power flow.
I just find it odd that I get no artifacts just an Open GL error.
EDIT: at +.025 voltage im running mem at +1100mhz stable and still adding. The memory on this thing overclocks like a champ.