[SOLVED] Gigabyte G5 water damage repair ?

Hello and thanks in advance.

My son spilled a decent amount of water on the keyboard of his Gigabyte G5 laptop. I immediately unplugged it and removed the battery, and put it in a 'tent' position for 3 days.

Surprisingly it boots up normal now. When I go to start a game, it runs beautifully for a few minutes, then performance nosedives. It'll start a game (fortnite for example) at 144 FPS, then over a minute or so, slow down to about 30 FPS making it basically unplayable. Not a temperature issue.

My question is, should I open it up and physically look for water damage? I am quite confident opening up a desktop.

I've been youtubing people opening up their laptops, and removing the motherboard to find where the water damage is, and simply washing the affected area with a tooth brush and some isopropyl alcohol, then the system working fine.

Just looking to this community to see if you have any comments before I dive in here.
Bah, looks like I shouldn't have done it. I opened it up, cleaned it up, but for some reason it won't boot up at all now. It's a connector somewhere I missed when putting the motherboard back in. Desktop knowledge does not equate to laptop knowledge unfortunately. 😞

Taking it in to the pros tomorrow.