Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 Chipset Driver Issues Windows 10


Jan 9, 2013
Hi everyone. I recently upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 on this pc. I then did a clean install. The driver install disc which came with the mobo GA-78LMT-USB3 gives me the message that Xpress Install doesn't work with Win98/ME. Okay, so I went to the Gigabyte website, and the AMD website for the Chipset/AHCI and so on drivers.

When I download from either one, the AMD install program starts but it doesn't install any chipset or ahci drivers.

The only choice is the install mgr itself and a USB filter driver.

I was able to install the AHCI driver by using Device Mgr and update driver and pointing it to the driver, but I am unsure what to select to update the chipset drivers.

It is for AMD 760G & SB710.

I also am seeing a Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller and ATA Channel 0, ATA Channel 1 listed in Device Mgr. I have the BIOS set to"

Onchip Sata Controller - Enabled
Onchip Sata type - AHCI
Onchip Sata (port 4,5) - SATA

I am unsure why I am seeing an IDE controller, and how to properly install the chipset drivers.

Any help appreciated. Thank you.

Even if express install wont work from the boards disk you can just open the folder on the disk and run the set up files from there

Given the age of the hardware you'd expect windows to install these drivers by default anyway . If it hasnt done that immediately from the windows install files it will update them automatically anyway [ its windows 10 after all ]

I dont think you have a problem that you need be concerned about

Even the IDE listing is just an option to run SATA ports in legacy IDE mode .


I am a bit confused about what to choose from the disk. There are many choices...some which might as well be the moon to me. The one that I figure might be useful is marked at folder SB710...My only option is to select the inf file for it., which when looking into the tree, only shows the AHCI driver which I already have installed.

I am still confused as to why the latest AMD Chipset Driver Updates 15.71 refuse to see any AMD hardware, despite it being on the system. Most of these Windows 10 drivers are from June, 2006, and I think AMD is refusing to see it's own hardware due to the current driver installations that come inherent in Windows 10.

I think the drivers are already installed when you installed windows .
A very large part of any windows installation is driver files for a huge range of hardware

On the disk you will usually find a folder called drivers
Expand that and you should have drivers for sound , USB , network etc .
Open each of those and you will have a SETUP file that is an application file type
Clicking that will manually start the install

If nothing happens when you do that its because its already installed
i get that as well as well this driver can't release to failure when started up pc an app center i feel ur pain this board hate's us an yes i know this post is old