Gigabyte GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 motherboard & CPU installation


Dec 3, 2016
I'm building a new pc and when the cpu (i7 6700k) is not installed the board just cycles power every 3 seconds. When it is installed the pc clicks on/off really fast. I don't think its the power supply though i don't have a tester, i'm not sure about the motherboard. I returned the last one because it was doing the powercycle thing & i didn't have my cpu yet, but I had never heard of a mb doing that. I figured it could get to post at least. But now with the second mb doing the same thing and doing something different when i do have the cpu installed, i'm not sure what to think.
I've got a ticket open w/ Gigabyte, but I have no idea how long that will take. Any help/insight will be appreciated.
I got the mb from newegg.. so i can rma that.. The cpu .. well i got it on ebay from i've never bought from them before, but i can try. I'm just getting pretty frustrated over all this. This will be my 3rd RMA Motherboard... and the last one i left my brand new Plextor M8Pe M.2 2280 512GB SSD attached to it... which cost $200 and hopefully Newegg will find. I hate to keep delaying this build and the more i touch everything, the more chance it's going to fail too.