W wigzor Reputable Feb 12, 2015 8 0 4,510 Jun 16, 2015 #1 Hello, My motherboard broke and now i can't decide between these to boards: Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP5 TH and Asus sabertooth z77. I can get them both for the same price around 150euro's. I never overclocked but wan't to try it. wich board is better? Greetings
Hello, My motherboard broke and now i can't decide between these to boards: Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP5 TH and Asus sabertooth z77. I can get them both for the same price around 150euro's. I never overclocked but wan't to try it. wich board is better? Greetings
senseijtitus Honorable Apr 13, 2015 1,687 0 12,460 Jun 16, 2015 #2 Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP5 leads that features-per-price battle without making any serious concessions in performance or overclocking. Go with GA-Z77X-UP5
Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP5 leads that features-per-price battle without making any serious concessions in performance or overclocking. Go with GA-Z77X-UP5
W wigzor Reputable Feb 12, 2015 8 0 4,510 Jun 16, 2015 #3 senseijtitus : Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP5 leads that features-per-price battle without making any serious concessions in performance or overclocking. Go with GA-Z77X-UP5 I used an msi z77a-gd65. Does the gigabyte work without having problems with psu?
senseijtitus : Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP5 leads that features-per-price battle without making any serious concessions in performance or overclocking. Go with GA-Z77X-UP5 I used an msi z77a-gd65. Does the gigabyte work without having problems with psu?
senseijtitus Honorable Apr 13, 2015 1,687 0 12,460 Jun 16, 2015 #4 Sure it does work without any problems. It is one of the best bords out there.