For the last month I've been parts hunting.
I pretty much settled on AMD video cards for the best bang for the buck.
I was going to get an R7 265 today (for probably +/- $150), but NewEgg has a Shell Shocker with a GTX 660 (non-Ti) going for $160 (after rebate):
It seems like a good price to go up a performance tier(?) I've never bought Gigabyte brand before either though.
Should I feel comfortable about my purchase?
I pretty much settled on AMD video cards for the best bang for the buck.
I was going to get an R7 265 today (for probably +/- $150), but NewEgg has a Shell Shocker with a GTX 660 (non-Ti) going for $160 (after rebate):
It seems like a good price to go up a performance tier(?) I've never bought Gigabyte brand before either though.
Should I feel comfortable about my purchase?