Gigabyte GTX 750 Ti and Win7 problem?


Oct 9, 2016
Does this card works with windows 7?
After migrating to win 7 from win 10, cannot find drivers that work for me.
Had no problems on win 10, no hardware changes all same parts. Same MSI z170m motherboard, with newest bios.
Tried latest driver version from nvidia and older ones, including versions found on Gigabyte site and ones that came with card.
HD is formated, no old drivers. After a clean install and restart win 7 does not load correctly. It freezes on loading screen with win logo.
After uninstaling drivers in a safe mode, windows loads just fine.

Any ideas?
Just run Windows Update and make sure all updates are installed.

Have you used your integrated video successfully (to include getting the Intel drivers to install) before installing the GTX 750ti?
I'm on Win7 now. Everything works fine until i try instaling driver for the graphics card. Beginig to think it could be somethig to do with my motherboard MSI z170m Mortar?
Did all of that already. All other driver are instaled except those for graphics card. latest Nvidia drivers were my fist choice.
When that didnt work tried with older ones, including the ones that came with my card.