Gigabyte GTX 970 Power Consumption


Sep 12, 2016
Hi everyone,
I built a PC a while ago, but didn't buy a GPU yet. I was planning on buying a used GTX 970, particularly the gigabyte windforce edition. What I want to know is if my PSU is good enough to power the GTX 970 and the rest of my system.

i3 6100
8 gigs RAM
Corsair CXM450M

Thanks guys!

That might well be true, however, Nvidia themselves recommend a minimum of 500 watts. And to make matters even worse your corsair power supply is only about a tier 3 or 4 power supply. It would be risky to run a 970 on that psu let alone the lack of wattage. I would be safe and go with a gtx 1050 ti. Or, you can wait a little while and save up more money to purchase a better power supply along with a gpu.

the rx 470 would be the closest performing gpu but that would be pretty risky for your psu. What is your budget for this upgrade? You may be able to upgrade the psu and get a new gpu.
No, I'm on a strict budget. $200
P.S. I live in Canada

I checked on Pcpartpicker, and with all of my current components + the GTX 970, the max wattage is only 300W

That might well be true, however, Nvidia themselves recommend a minimum of 500 watts. And to make matters even worse your corsair power supply is only about a tier 3 or 4 power supply. It would be risky to run a 970 on that psu let alone the lack of wattage. I would be safe and go with a gtx 1050 ti. Or, you can wait a little while and save up more money to purchase a better power supply along with a gpu.