Gigabyte GTX970 coil whine


Mar 20, 2016
Getting some coil whine from my graphics card, pretty sure that is where its coming from. VSYNC quiets it down a bit but not completely. Also minimizing the game gets rid of it and there is no whine at idle. Ive heard of some people saying there psu was actually the problem.

Anyways I cant stand the coil whine any longer, sounds like a darn mechanical hd running all the time. Any opinions on what I can do to fix it or make sure it really is the graphics card. This pc isnt even a month old so everything still has warranties.
Coil wine can also come from the power supply. Open the side of your case and run the game , put a empty paper towel roll up to your ear and make sure the noise is coming from the video card.
Sounds like it's probably the video card since minimizing your game most likely drops the clocks and in turn fans back down.
If you can open your case without breaking warranty (I'm not sure, never bought a pre-built pc) then sticking your ear near different fans should give you your answer.

But really, since it's under warranty I'd take it back and have a good whinge about it, hell if you're really lucky you might even get an upgrade out of it :)

Good luck.
Well I built it myself and have opened the case to listen around, seems to be the video card. Its not fan noise from any of the fans anywhere in the pc.

Should I rma the card for another one and hope its better?
Oh my mistake sorry, the way you said warranties I thought it was pre built.
Yeah I would. Don't keep something you ain't happy with, that's what warranties are for.

Good luck.

Hey out of interest which 970 is it? Just curious as I recently bought a GV-N970WF3OC-4GD. Hope this doesn't happen to mine.
It is the GV-N970G1 GAMING-4GD that I got, best of luck with the model you got. Seems this is a common problem with any GTX970 from what i have read. Anyone have any experience with Amazon and returning/exchanging things?
After watching some youtube videos, mine is nowhere as close as bad as some of the other people. Im worried I might get one thats worse, might just suck it up and live with it.
Hey man just been doing a little research coz you made me paranoid having the same cooler on my new card lol.
I thought it was caused by the coils powering the fans, seems not necessarily.
I found this video. It has a few tips that may help you out if you're lucky. (or it could be a load of crap, but ya never know)

Good luck.