Gigabyte Intros 3-in-1 Laptop With Unique Dock

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It looks kinda neat, but after three straight motherboards with serious bios issues, and each update buggier than the last, I've sworn off Gigabyte products permanently.
1366 x 768 oh my, is it legal to use eny thing lower then 1920x1080 in 2014?
or is it eny good enought reason for it ?! maby if you get +8h battery and price drop by 80%
my last laptop i disposed of had a 13" 1600x900 its a good screen but all websites
today are built for 1080p and the 900 really don't play well. get a surface pro 2 it truly is
one of the best laptops on the market and the screen is perfect.
Yep, that innovative design looks like a 12 year old XP Tablet, those funky hinges were stupid then and haven't improved much with age. I normally love Gigabyte for their motherboards, this will only serve to spoil an otherwise good reputation.
Seriously!? It looks like the original touch screen laptops that ran windows xp 10 years ago.
which makes it PERFECT! I love the rotate and fold design of those things. If the price is right then I just might pick one of these up for school next year... assuming that there are not better Broadwell and Airmont options available before September.
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