Gigabyte ram issue


Feb 29, 2004
Hi all
I have sold two 512 sticks of Crucial Balitix PC4000 to a friend. It works fine with one stick but crashes with two. It fail Prime95 after less than 1 min.
His spec is
Gigabyte GA-K8N51GMF-9
Athlon 64 3700
160 gig HDD
DVD player
400watt PSU
no other ad on cards.

I have tried different slots and updated the bios with no difference. I think its possible that the mobo isnt giving the ram enough volts but there are no settings for this in the bios even after pressing Ctrl F1 or what ever it is.
Is this a known issue or does the mobo just not like pc4000.
I would appreciate any help
I had the same problem on my GA-K8N, it’s due to the memory controller overloading. There is a setting that should let you change the speed from t1 to t2, do this and your system should become stable again.
MrsBytch is just overstating the obvious again. Delete to access the BIOS.

Thanks for the info
I changed to T2 and it now works perfectly

Thanks again