Gigabyte UD3 990fx rev. 4 w/ 8320 how to overclock?


Mar 1, 2013
Hey guys, I upgraded from a Asrock fm2 board to am3+ it was fairly easy to overclock my a8 5600k on the fm2 but now im in a pickle, trying to unlock turbo core but it does not kick in.

LOL you do realize that cool'nquiete is a power saving noise reducing mode its prioraty is to keep the cpu as cool as possible while donwclocking it , and turbo will cause problem with trottling, if you want a stable 24/7 oc without throttling then...
You cannot 'unlock' Turbo --- it is fixed in relation to the CPU multiplier and individual cores.

And, there is nothing wrong with OC'ing with Turbo engaged ... or with using Cool & Quiet while over-clocking. Turbo will limit the 'headroom' of clocking across all cores because the boost to a single (or, several) cores 'pops' the VCore too high.

Stilt over at XS had a utility to individually adjust the Turbo VCores ... not sure what happened to it (it dropped off the radar)


LOL you do realize that cool'nquiete is a power saving noise reducing mode its prioraty is to keep the cpu as cool as possible while donwclocking it , and turbo will cause problem with trottling, if you want a stable 24/7 oc without throttling then disable everything, otherwise whats the point, every mode there is ment to make it more stable and consume less power turbo mode engages only when there is headroom for it and when tthe app you are running is using all the resources but that wont happen
my point is you probably have no idea of what issues fx cpu's have with throttling because of that these features should always be turned of, otherwise have you ever ran a strees test on your cpu with those things enabled, lol i would love to see ayou overclock atleast 200mhz when undervolting
Ok so I turn everything off Turbo Core, C6 state, Cool & Quite anything else I should worry about? Also the chip is stock at 3.5 and I have Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO attach to it just in case no over-heating issues.
your good to go for up to 4.5ghz perhaps 4,7ghz until it hits thermal limits with that cooler turn of APM aswell it messes with overclocks and tries to make cpu consume no more than 125w which is not possible when you oc it and run @ full load other than that your good to go