First, double check that everything listed at the following link is actually connected, and where applicable, is fully seated. To the point of DISCONNECTING each thing, and reconnecting it. That includes removing the memory and graphics card and reinserting them. You couldn't possibly believe how many times the answer to some question like yours turned out to simply be take it out and put it back in. Leave the graphics card out for now though, until after you've done the next part below, so you don't have to take it out twice.
"No POST", "system won't boot", and "no video output" troubleshooting checklist This checklist is a compilation of troubleshooting ideas from many forum members. It's very important to actually perform every step in the checklist if you want to effectively troubleshoot your problem. 1.Did you...
Then, after you've checked it all, do this.
BIOS Hard Reset...