I'm looking at purchasing an i7 9700k and oc'ing to 5-5.1ghz with an aio cooler. However, when I select Thermaltake Smart Pro 650W(preferred psu at AUD$150), the compatibility section on pcpartpicker says "The Gigabyte Z390 AORUS ELITE ATX LGA1151 Motherboard has an additional 4-pin ATX power connector but the Thermaltake Smart Pro RGB 650 W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply does not. This connector is used to supply additional 12V current to the motherboard. While the system will likely still run without it, higher current demands such as extreme overclocking or large video card current draws may require it." When it refers to overclocking, I've read that it means extreme overclocking such as with liquid nitrogen. However does anyone have any experience running an overclock on this cpu without the 4 pin connector?